I have no fingernails, my stomach is in knots, and i think, yes - I have a pimple on my chin.....*sigh*
I'll leave you with this -
I haven't named it yet.

I began to do google searches for 'film locations', 'houses in film' and so forth hoping to find an image of that house. No luck. The search turned into a house hunt in California. Mebbe I could find something similar for sale. As I found interesting houses, I sent their images to my daughter including the price and the square footage. It went from "oh how cute" to "OMG! SERIOUSLY!" (we type in caps a lot, we are kinda loud)
One house in particular in San Fran - 340k a month mortgage - *faints* Neither I nor she can fathom that type of money. Trying to understand what would be going out a month in mortgage sparked a conversation. If you had that kind of money - what kind of a difference could you make to your community by donating.
It all goes downhill from here - random bits of thought patterns and excuses -
Being that I have never had that type of money, would I understand the responsibilities that come with it. I do understand that I do not need a 20k sq ft house, a Bentley, yacht, or vacation home I have that wonderful guilt complex that all needs to be right in the world. If i can't help the world, I can help my corner. Can someone like me, have that kind of money? If I won the lottery would I be able to pay for my needs and give the rest away. Would it corrupt me and my simple lifestyle to where I would need to lavish accommodations?
What a strong sentence - Would it corrupt me -. On the surface it sounds like I think having a lot of money would make me corrupt or not a good person. I am turning that question inward to myself. Corrupt, change from the original version - as in would I change or be different than what I am now.
I think, yes - I would be different.
My daughter sums it up -
i could open an animal shelter
and a coffee shop (for homeless)
and an after school program
and get a 67 shelby GT Me -*blink* *blink*
My response -
I like how you can do so much for everyone with a 67 shelby :)
Her response -
it would bring joy to so many hearts
In the words of Cyndi Lauper -
man it takes me back. Early 70's, schwin banana seat bicycles, water buffalo sandals, polyester, tyedye, glitter transfers, Freddie's Dead, Family Affair, Saturday morning cartoons, "These cahds ah mahked - They're a mess!" and soooo much more -....
This piece is made of lampwork beads with a dyed howlite focal wrapped onto the choker. The color of the choker inspired the dyed howlite focal. I love the barrel screw connector on this choker which allowed me to take a simple but bolder approach wiht the heavier beads.
This is the invenotry number from Rings and Things :
#52-030-18-24 Choker, Cable, 18" SmoothEnd (Turquoise/White)
I find inspriation in everything around me. Whether I use the inspiration, that is another story. I keep a notepad with me so I can jot down design ideas, or make note of an interesting texture or color I see in passing. I have also been known to clip pictures and tuck them away to use another day. Soon my little notebook becomes a weatlh of idea referals when my idea pool is empty.
Another great source of inspiration are Soul Cards . A beautiful collection of prints by artist Deborah Koff-Chapin. The cards have no meaning - they are intended to inspire you. I have gifted several of my 'artist' friends these cards to have for those times when the creativity just won't flow.
One exercise I use after I have had a low point in creativity, is a recreate project. I use an image or an item and try to design a piece that imitates it, as opposed to being inspired by. I am a firm believer that creativity spawns creativity. This being said, more times than not, as I am doing this exercise, I have an idea for something else. I keep an inventory of base metal findings, mismatched jewlery, and odds and ends for these practice sessions. I do this as I don't want to waste sterling on an item that I may tear apart two or three times trying to get it right.
In the dreary throws of winter, I love looking at pictures of flowers in bloom. I takes me to a place in my mind where I want to be. Planting flowers and strolling through my yard enjoying them. Below is an image of the elder bloom, and the bracelet created from it.
Chapter two. Bola Faux
I thought it would be fun to create an illustion of a bola (also known as a bolo) tie. I brought the ends of the leather together, made a pinch loop at the bend in the middle, and pushed the tails through the loop, attaching it to the cable. I then made a basic wire loop and attached it to the leather. This gives the look of the bola. Finally, I added embelishments to the ends and a turqoise teardrop. No self respecting bola can be without turquoise!
One thing I would recommend, if you are using heavy stones for the focal, use the choker cable that has the barrel screw connector instead of the magnetic. The magnectic connectors are very conveinent, but cannot support a lot of weight.
Rings and Things inventory number for the cable used in this piece is:
#52-52-090-20-1 Choker, Magnet, Cable, 1mm, 20"
This is a fun piece to wear with a scoop neck tee.
Or under the collar of your button-down shirt for that true bola look.
To be continued......
Deep down, you and I can't be that different. How we gain our inspiraiton, express our emotions into our craft, or how we dig through our supplies to find just the right piece. I felt that you would have an appreciation of the effort required to create such beauty. I thought I would throw caution to the wind and bring a real side of me to you.
My Muse
The weather has been cold, and my muse has packed up and moved on south. This time of year is the worst for me and finding my creative vein. I just want to curl up with a good book and wait for spring. I sit at my craft table looking for inspiration, finding little and forced to create from the chaos that is my life.
I use to have the spare bedroom of the house set up as my crafting domain. I could close the door, turn on my music and get lost for hours. Now, I have been displaced - maybe that is it. Due to the life of chaos that I lead, add in a troubled nephew, and a jilted best friend with no where to go, I have no room. My spare rooms are now in use, and I am downstairs, in the wide open, with no doors, and no privacy. I think my muse, the fussy diva that she is, liked the coziness and the privacy of the spare room.
Across my craft tables, the cats now sleep. Beads and baubles getting stuck between their toes, and dropped throughout the house as they preen. The dogs chase the cats thru the house in good humor, ending up in a spray of supplies across the floor........ *sigh*
Our show schedules have slowed to a crawl, one here, one there. I sit at my table and stare, slurping on my coffee and trying to justify why i am not organized, or why I am not producing new product. I look around me, trying to make sence of the lack of organization, look out the window at the dim summer sun and shudder.
I have attached an image of my craft room and I have to laugh, for what would I gain by crying? Messy mascara :)