
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Glue-able Challenge 4 & 5 - FINALLY

Like a lot of my designs, they come to me when I sleep. I guess it is because I go to bed mulling over the events of the day, and starting my mental calendar for the next.

I woke up this morning and began to tear up the house looking for odds and ends to start this creation. There is nothing more frustrating than when I have an idea, and I can't find the parts. I hate waiting because I have to run out to the store. I want it now!

I have collected odds and ends to try and make this happen. All these things where to be displayed on the Brass Square Frame from Rings & Things - Stock #49-441-0
Old watch, confetti, filigree, tissue paper, and printed old photos found cruising Creative Commons. (if ya don't know what it is, check it out - too much fun)

I took the watch apart and used the gears - That was so much fun!!

Grabbed my trustie Mod Podge and started in. Put a thin layer of Mod Podge on the the Brass Square Frame. Cut a piece of tissue paper to fit inside the frame and applied it to the glue.

Cut out the picture, to look like a cameo of sorts, and glue it onto the tissue paper.

Decide what you want to go around the picture. I cut a piece of confetti in half to represent a broken heart. Then I placed the insides of the watch around the picture to represent time. I added some filigree for a fun touch. Did a thin layer of the glue on top

There you have it - Time Heals A Broken Heart.

And now for something completely different!!

OMG! I LOVE THIS! - I was bad, and I didn't glue, I konw it was a 'glue-able' theme, but I have had this idea bumping around for over a week, and I had to get it out. I took a bunch of bright fun fabric and cut it into strips - bout 2 1/2".

Now ball up the strips and roll them around in your palms like you are making a ball. This will stress the fabric and make it crumbled and frayed.

Tie the pieces onto the links of the bracelet. Two per side of the link.

And when it is finished you have a fuzzy, wild colored, soft, fun bracelet! I am thinking about sewing on some crystals to give it some shine.

I am wearing it today - dont' look at my hairy arms you will give me a complex.....


  1. running out to attend a meeting at work, but had to stop and tell you how MUCH (think way bigger font) I love these! The fabric bracelet is very fun and the collage is beautiful - amazing how one can create real works of art with just the things lying around the home.

  2. thanks jo. i had fun making them - it does look like g'gma coffel dont' it :)

  3. NICE!! I love your creativity. After my first attempt at the square frame failed and I had to remove dried glue, paper and crystals I put them aside for a while. I think I'm going to glue in toho cubes to the oblong one and see how that goes. The possibilities are really endless as long as you don't get discouraged with one tiny bump in the road!! Take care, Lisa C.

  4. Love the fabric scraps bracelet! It's fun fun fun!! Love the watch parts in the frame too - you're right, great minds think alike! LOL!


  5. Hey Tish, I'd say "gluable" just means "you can glue it", not "you hafta" :) And I'm excited to see how many unique and cool things you wound up doing with these findings!


  6. *smacks forehead* Now he tells me! :)
