
Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Peek

I told Dawno I was going to do this tomorrow, but being that I am already sitting here :)

I am not the best at taking pictures but here is a peek of the set up. Sandra's mom said she would take some 'real' pictures and then you can see it in it's true glorious - ness!

The pinned and framed mess that has to go in the car

These following two have what we call 'keepers' in them. Our husbands. They are tolerant and patient with us as we hide ourselves away to work/create our next piece. They kiss us goodbye and wave sweetly when we leave them at home on the weekends for shows. They smile and say 'Yes Dear' as we drag them along to our set ups. They gladly jump in and help. Mine needs little more than, 'Honey there is a Dunkin Donuts on the way', and he is in the car and backing out the driveway before I am buckled in. Deep down they are proud of us, and puff up a little when they talk about their wives and the little niche we have carved out for themselves.

Sandra's husband Steve doing calculation with Mr. Van.

My husband James marking the walls for the frames.

We are close to done

Sandra's wall is coming along nicely.

My wall - I was concerned about the lighting, but as you can see, the lights are placed perfectly to shine in the boxes.


  1. How marvelous! And the lighting *is* just right.

    I know what you mean about the 'keepers' - my husband helped me get my stuff to the con this weekend, brought my cash-box the other morning when I forgot it, also got me my change from the bank! It's nice to have supportive spouses.

    Your show looks wonderful - truly art! Thank you for sharing early.

  2. Beautiful display! I think you'll wow 'em!. Keep me posted,yo.
