
Friday, July 24, 2009

Natural Neighbor

Doing shows, markets, festivals and fairs you start to run across the same people, following the same circut, doing the same thing as you- trying to sell their wares.

At the flea market I met some wonderful people and have kindled some wonderful friendships because of it. One of my friends Liz has The Natural Neighbor Shop. Her shop is this wonderful little eclectic schmattering of goods. She is passionate about supporting local, supporting handmade and supporting products that are earth friendly. She is kind enough to share the shelf space in her store with local artists and vendors who share the same passions as her. She carries a variety of goods such as -

Charlies Soap

Beeswax Candles

Natural Soaps (made by Liz - we love and use the Ocean Breeze and Champaka)

Sea Salt (I love this stuff)

Liz has extended an invitation to me to have a display in her shop. She has allowed me to create this little showcase of some of my pieces, with my cards, a copy of Bead Trends and my bio. I am thrilled and honored that she considers my things 'cool' enough to be in her shop.

Thanks Liz!!

Taken with my phone - sorry for the blur