
Monday, August 17, 2009

Artist Exchange Official Participation Rules

Welcome to the Artist Exchange!

The purpose of the Artist Exchange is to cross-promote other artists by trading your art with another artist, preferably outside of your craft or style.

We all see the badges, "Buy local", "Buy hand made", this is one avenue to make it happen. Artist Exchange's concept is to be a community support group of artists that encourage and cross promote other artists.

But what is the point of the Artist Exchange? Am glad you asked. The whole point of this exchange is to review, blog, and cross promote another artist. This is an oppurtunity for you to trade with another artist and have a hand made product that you may never have received or bought before. You blogging about your 'gift' is a way to showcase what you have just received. Then review it, and point others to this artists site in hopes of helping to raise awareness of a new artist and the ultimate goal, to create sales. The traffic that stops by your blog are the people who love your work. Introduce your regulars to someone else. This may just be the item that they are looking for as well.

How do I participate in the Artist Exchange? It's simple. First you must be able to comply to the simple guidelines listed below. If these guidelines are reasonable, leave a comment on this blog, saying that you want to participate and what your craft is. Sept 1st., everyone will be notified who their partner is for this session, and I will leave it up to you to exchange addresses and other information. Do your best, your absolute best, to have your piece mailed to your partner in two weeks time. After you receive your new item, make sure to inform your partner that you have blogged about their piece so they can stop by and read and comment for themselves. Review your product in a timely matter. All blogs should be posted by Sept 21st.

The Guidelines:

1. You must blog. Blogging is required as a way to 'promote' the other artist

2. You must have a store. You can't have people promote your wares if there is no way for them to be bought. Etsy, ArtFire are considered a store if you do not have your own domain.

3. If you commit, then commit.

4. Do your best work. Remember you are being promoted. It is free advertising. Show off your stuff.

5. Items priced between $5 and $10 dollars - your cost, not your retail cost. (This will vary from session to session)

6. Be honest and supportive

Get ready for a lot of fun. I can't wait! Spread the word, you can repost this blog, tweet bout it, or link back to it from your facebook page.

Let's get a big group!

See you on Sept 1st!


  1. Ok...second try. My comment didn't post first time.
    I am excited by this concept of cross-promoting crafters with this exchange/review/blog about it! I think it is a neat way to see and talk about crafts and crafters you'd never met before!
    Looking forward to being part of this!

  2. I'm in! I make jewelry, stringing and wire, mostly with glass and semi-precious stone.

  3. I am in for this generous offer to get some trades going and cross-promoting hand-crafters!
    Love to string, do limited wire work, bead embroidery (time constraints). I adore Swarovski, Karen Hill Tribe, gemstones, and Artisan glass & ceramic beads. C'mon what are you waiting for? Give it a go! Let's have some fun!
