
Monday, September 14, 2009

Commissioned pieces

My friend Vanessa went to the bead show in Franklin - it is a G&LW show - a big one.

She came home with several strands of magnesite and lava, several pendants, copper findings, coral and chalcedoy. She wanted me to make necklaces for christmas presents for her to give out.

Well sure I will for her. Vanessa is a dear friend and the person I blame for getting the beading/stringing bug. She is a vendor at the flea market and sells free form stones, pocket stones, strands of stone beads, finished jewelry and several other things. She is a big supporter and a fan of my work, which that in itself is reason enuff not to say no.

Part of the problem with this type of a commission is she sees in her head what she wants, obviously, she bought the stones, but she trusts me to make it for her.

I set out this morning to start on these pieces. She wants a total of six necklaces from this wad of stuffs - which it doable. There is more than enough material to do so. The problem is, I don't see what she sees. I am having a hard time coming up with different designs, or, more so, even wanting to work with these stones. They don't interest me, so I am having a hard time creating with them.

I knocked out the easy first - earrings .

I added some of my beads and findings to flesh them out more. These would be way too heavy if I hadn't have broke it up some.

This one I am not happy with. I more than likely will de construct it tonite and do it again. Lava, broke up with citrine and carnelian. I think the focal is a fire crab agate. Mebbe. I was very disappointed in the clasp. I am sure it is a fluke but it is such a waste. I had ordered them from Rings & Things. The wire hook broke off of it as I was attaching it to the jump ring.

My cat was so jacked up on cat nip all morning, and was insisting on getting into everyone of my shots.

This one I am more happy with. Combining wire wrapping and stringing. These stones are sooo heavy. I don't know how comfortable it will be to wear for any lenght of time.

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