
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Goin' with the flow

I am cramming to get last minute things done before my show on Saturday. I am in a panic that I don't have enough items. I just found out that I have gone from a 9x3 space to a 10x10...I normally only use one table. How am I going to make this work with such a huge space and only one table. I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb and look unprepared.

I think I can modify the space with a couple of card tables that I have, and use the space to separate out the displays - bracelets on one table, necklaces on another, etc. Now the problem of how much inventory do I have and will it work well on three tables and not look too sparse.

I am pulling my hair out.

*cue twilight zone music* *As i am writing this, my husband pops up on IM at the exact same moment , as i type - i am pulling my hair out - and says - "Do you need my help on Saturday setting up/manning the booth?" - *blink* *blink* *weeps* It is rare he offers to help, especially if I have to travel to the show. He got my enery, he knew. He's a keeper I could go into a whole nuther entry on how to send out the proper energies and how you will be taken care of but that is another enter and another cup of coffee. *

In this panic, I am sitting at my work table trying to grind out pieces to add to the inventory and - nothing. Nothing. Nothing looks right, nothing goes together right, nothing.

Time to push back from the table and do something else. My something else almost always is clean. As I am cleaning I find a stick of ram I had 'decorated' a while back but never finished. Since I had made the pin for the Rings & Things challenge, wonder if I can make a pin out of this?

Why not!!!

I played around with some floral wire and attached the pin to the back of the design.

It hangs great!

I have several of these sticks of ram and may add a bit of quirky fun to my display. Chic Geek - not to sound too cliche, but so true :)


  1. Great pin..."fun"!!! I'm accustomed to 10x10 space and would actually like when I go to shows that give smaller spaces I have to completely rethink my arrangement...

    Good luck, I'm sure you will be huge hit regardless of what you do!!!

  2. I use to do a 10x10 when I had a partner and we were doing the outside markets and festivals. Now that I have moved inside, the spaces are smaller and I have downsized to accommodate that. Too many changes!!! Thanks for the wishes of good luck. it is always appreciated:)

  3. Darling pin! Make earrings! I'm a bit worried, too about my show next week - I don't know what possessed me to get two tables...and I, as yet, don't have a 'minion' so I'm really worried about being all by myself.

  4. This is my first show I will have help with. It is going to be novel to say the least. I always get to know my neighbors quickly :) those much needed bathroom breaks ya know :)

    Allow yourself enuff time to set up , you will be fine!

  5. - I bet customers will visit your table just because of this fun pin. Have a good show!

    at Rings & Things
