
Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Bead in Time - book by Lisa Crone

I was thrilled to come home to have a box waiting for me on the kitchen counter. I saw the Amazon label and knew it was my book! I ripped open the box and there it was - the beautiful shiney cover of "A Bead in Time" looking up at me. Just the cover itself makes you want to open the book. First you see a beautiful bracelet and earrings mirroring the colors and textures of the beach/tropic setting in the image. Its winter and cold here, the cover was so inviting I couldn't wait to see what was inside. I ran to my computer, emailed Lisa – “I GOT MY BOOK!! I GOT MY BOOK!” grabbed my book and ran upstairs to look thru it at my pace and with no interruptions.

Lisa starts with a great introduction sharing ideas on how to battle 'beader's block'. It sets the tone for the book, how she uses vacation photos as her inspiration while creating beautiful jewelry. The book has 127 pages of beautiful images broke into four chapters including step by step instructions, tips and inspirations. I mean right off the bat she gets to the point with a measurement conversion chart on the very first page! Brilliant.

Lisa did not over look any detail. After the introduction she does a listing of materials and tools that are referenced in the book. She does not take for granted her readers have a prior knowledge of jewelry making. That alone makes this book a perfect addition to any library collection. It is written to accommodate any skill level. I thoroughly enjoyed and was thrilled to see the “Basic Techniques” section. Again, leaving nothing to be questioned, there are pictures and instructions for many different techniques that are needed for the beginning and the experienced beader. I remember when I first started making jewelry, so many things eluded me as far as "how in the world to you make that happen?" If only I had had this book, I would have spent less time scratching my head and more time making jewelry!!! Here is just a snippet of the Basic Technique page and the illustrations. Beautifully photographed and instructions clearly defined, you can confidently tackle any of the designs shared in this book.

Each entry shows the finished product alongside the image that inspired it. Lisa gives you a little history about each picture, and how it inspired her to create the jewelry. She adds a little inspiration quip to each project and adds tips to the instructions to help you along.
This is not just a recipe book for making jewelry. Lisa opens up and gives you a very intimate look into her thought processes and I am humbled by her talents, expertise, and willingness to bring you into her crafting world. I feel like I am sitting across the table from her, having coffee and chatting about her last vacation as she shows me the jewelry she just made. There is an excitement in the book, the way it reads, I am sure it is her very energy coming through the pages.

I have looked through the book several times and can’t wait to try some of these new techniques. I hate to pick a favorite, because I love them all, but when you get a chance to see this book, the Summer Salad is so awesome!

Stop by Lisa’s blog, get to know her as I did, you won’t be disappointed. A Bead A Day

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Art Beads Gift Certificat Give Away!!!

That's right kids, you heard me! Beads and Jewelry Supplies

Art Beads has been so gracious as to offer me a $25.00 gift certificate to give away to one of my lucky readers! Art Beads offers such a vast variety of products, and incredibly low prices, and - get this - no shipping costs!!

Right from the get go, on their front page, you will see all their special offers and great deals. It is littered with with them! You can get lost in page after page of drool time looking through all their beads and components. Items like these, click on the picture, it will take you to and give you more information on the product!

Hill Tribe sterling beads

Charoite tumbled nuggets

Golden Shadow Swarovski Elements

Do yo see where I am going with this?

"But I don't make jewelry." I hear you say - not a problem. Have you wanted to learn? They offer jewelry making kits! You can learn to make this!!

They also have a great selection of pendants that are ready for your chain or cord!! Just slide them on and go! Look how beautiful this is.

Already have great pendants? Need a chain? They have them too!! I can't think of any reason not to shop at Art Beads, beader or not!

Here's how you enter, Visit, poke around and see what you like. Leave me a comment on which item is your favorite. That's all it takes! I am offering this as well to my FaceBook fans. If you are not a fan of mine on FaceBook, stop by and become a fan of my page and get a second chance to enter the drawing! Everyones comment will be given a number and I'll use a random number generator to choose the winner. I'll be drawing the winner on Monday, January 4, 2010. This is a thank you from me and from ArtBeads. Thank you for stopping by, for leaving comments and for all your wonderful support.

If you don't know Art Beads you should.

*FTC compliance disclosure: the gift certificate mentioned in this post credited to ArtBeads. com and was provided as a promotional gift as part of the ArtBeads Blogging Outreach. These items are for review or design purposes. All other items are only examples of products listed on their site

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A year in review - More craft business - how to's, tips and hints

To carry on the theme for the week, again, a blog from my past - from June 24, 09

Free Craft Fair is a fantastic site for craft business owners. The site is full of so much information on how to start, build and maintain a craft based business.

I stumbled on this doing a directory search. I applied and they accepted my link in their directory. I will do the same from my site back to them. While poking around their site and seeing what they offer, I ran across some great tips on how to market 'offline'. I am taking her challenge of doing two a week. Will keep you posted on the progress.

To see the original post by Shelly Hill - Click Here or read on. (I don't know if this is a big blogging no-no to repost someone elses blog, but I see it all the time. My intent is to credit the author, and link back to them, the information is too good not to share)

#1. Make up advertising filler packs and pass them out every where you go, every event that you attend and swap them with other women home business owners.

#2. When you travel and stay in hotels, leave your catalog, business card, business coupon behind in your room, lobbies and other places that people congregate. I like to leave my business card with my hotel housekeeping (maid) tip.

#3. Print out flyers with your business name and contact information along with any specials you are running. Leave these flyers in public places where others can see them. Public Places: Grocery store message boards, community center message boards, employee lounges, etc.

#4. Contact local area bridal stores, bridal supply stores, caterers, tux rental centers, dj’s, photographers, etc. if your company/business offers a bridal registry. See if you can leave them your business cards!

#5. Daycare Centers: You can get a lot of business from the parents who use daycare centers so contact them about leaving your business cards or flyers.

#6. A lot of churches and religous groups hold spring and fall festivals, so make sure you contact them about getting a booth space at one of their events. Booth spaces are usually very economical with these types of groups.

#7. Join your local Chamber of Commerce! They always hold local business events in your area. This is a great way to network and to make new business contacts.

#8. College Campuses: College Students are always looking to spend money and they are usually on the hunt for a business opportunity to help pay for their school expenses so you can target them for sales and for recruiting into your business opportunity. Most schools have a student center, so that is where you would want to leave your business cards and flyers.

#9. Contact your local area Welcome Wagon or Welcome to the Neighborhood group. See if you can add your business info to their Welcome to the Neighborhood bags.

#10. Contact your local area hospitals and see if you can add your business info to their New Mommy Diaper Bags. A lot of hospitals give out free bags filled with goodies to all the new moms who have babies at their facilities!

#11. Contact your local medical offices, particularly the Obstetrics & Gynecology Offices and the Pediatrician Offices. A lot of those offices also give freebies to expecting or new moms. See if you can add your information their freebie packages.

#12. Donate a prize or a gift certificate to your local radio station for their numerous prize giveaways and contests. This gets you free business exposure. Often times, they will also list you as a prize sponsor on their website too.

#13. Donate a prize to your local area Bingo Halls! They are always looking for prize donations.

#14. Call your local Chamber of Commerce to find out when there will be local job fairs in your area and get a booth at one or at the very least attend one so you can make some new contacts in your local area.

#15. Call your local area colleges and trade schools to find out when their next local area job/employment fair will be. A great way to market your home business opportunity to others who might be interested.

#16. Contact local area car dealerships. I make up small packets of business information, my business card, my coupon and a small freebie. Ask them if you can drop off 100 packs to them to hand out to others who come in for those FREE test drives.

#17. Contact your local area gyms and fitness centers. A lot of times you can get a table and market your business for an economical fee of $25.00.

#18. Network with others in your community who have home businesses. They are usually in the know on local business events that are upcoming in your community.

#19. Contact companies in your local area to see if you can come in and set up a display in their employee lounges or cafeterias for an employee shopping break. This works best if you offer an exclusive discount or deal to their employees.

#20. Does your local area TV Cable Company have a local information channel? If so, contact them to see if you can advertise on their information channel.

#21. Contact local small companies and shops to see if you can offer an exclusive discount to their employees. Companies like to offer perks to their employees such as shopping discounts from various local businesses.

#22. Small home town newspapers! I don’t get a great response to the big city newspaper ads but I do get a great response if I place ads in small home town newspapers!

#23. Get a low cost outdoor banner ad printed up to market your business during outside community events such as: sporting events, music concerts and so forth.

#24. Take your business on the road during the nice weather seasons. Contact your local area parks and recreation centers to see what kind of events are coming up and inquire about getting a table or booth at their outdoor events.

#25. Community coupon clipper packs and coupon packs. If your community has them, call them up and find out how you can advertise in them.

#26. Contact local area businesses such as: salons, banks, massage parlors etc. See if you can come in and set up a display. Offer a contest and prize with your display. Use the entry forms to gather contact information for possible new contact leads.

#27. Contact local area pizza shops, diners, deli’s and coffee shops. Most of these types of businesses have paper placemats where you can buy ad space and have your business ad placed on them. People do READ these ads!

#28. Contact local area bars, restaurants and clubs to see if you can buy some advertising on their paper beverage coasters.

#29. Local Television Newstations are always holding on-air contests and website contests for their viewers. Contact them to see if you can donate a prize to get some free business exposure for your business.

#30. Attend local area Holiday Shopping Events. Customers who are ready spend some holiday money and looking to purchase holiday gifts attend these events. Get a booth or table space and market your business to them.

#31. Hold a local community block party at your home or at your local community center. Families are always looking for something to do on the weekends!

#32. Get your business listed in your local yellow pages phone book. Way too often home business people over look this valuable advertising tool. These days a lot of phone books have coupon sections too, so make sure you inquire about adding your coupon to that section.

#33. You can take this phone book idea one step further by finding out who prints up those vinyl phone book covers that are covered with local business advertising in your area and find out how much it would cost for you to add your business ad to that phone book cover.

#34. Get your business information printed up on pencils and hand them out for FREE to local colleges and adult technical schools.

#35. Get a vehicle banner made for your automobile. I recommend the vinyl clings so that you can easily remove them when it comes time to wash your vehicle.

#36. If your city has a travel guide that tourists request, make sure you place a business ad in that travel guide. This is a great way to get your business information into the hands of non-local customers.

#37. Local City Maps! These days you can find all kinds of small business advertising printed on the sides and backs of those city maps! You can get really good economically priced ads placed onto those maps.

#38. Contact local area hotels, motels and bed and breakfast inns in your local area. Ask them if you can leave your business information with them for their guests to peruse when they are in the lobby.

#39. Get your business information printed up onto balloons. Give these ballons to local sporting events, charity events etc. A great way to get more business exposure.

#40. Find a few home business owners in your local community and team up with them! You can all sponsor a local boys/girls sports team, a parade float or other things in your community! This makes it very economical for those who are in small business to get business exposure and to participate in your local community events.

#41. Get T-shirts printed up with your business information printed on them. Hand them out to your friends and family members and ask them to wear them when they are out in the community running their errands.

#42. Get some canvas tote bags printed up with your business information on them. Pass them out to a few lady friends and ask them to use them when they are out and about in the community attending events or running errands.

#43. Get a license plate made up for the front of your car with your business information on it.

#44. Wear a business name tag every time you go out in the community. People do read them and do notice them!

#45. Local Area Magazines! Does your city publish their own local area magazine? If so, contact them about placing some advertising in their magazine.

Monday, December 28, 2009

A year in review - Repurpose project

I have been blogging here since February 2009, not even a year yet. I have been welcomed with open arms, met some great people, joined three blogging groups, Rings & Things, Art Beads and Beadin Path, and grown so much with the support from all of you. I wanted to do a 're wind' and look back at some of my favorite posts. So that is what I am doing this week. Not only am I going to post some of my favorite entries, but will also include some from my list of favorites as well.

Hope your year was happy and the new one to come even more so.

From April, 20, 2009
While I was at my moms we went thru box after box of 'stuffs' she has collected over the years. I need a month to show you everything I brought home with me.

Back in the 70's my mom use to make costume jewelry Christmas tree wall hangings. She would push the twinkle lights thru holes in the cardboard and it would light up. The twinkle lights would reflect off of all the rhinestones and quite honestly could put someones eye out :)

Any one remember these? I found this pic on line - Glorious I tell you! I am so digg'n her hair too. Man, I miss the 70's

While we were diggn, we found a box of odds and ends. Costume jewelry left over from those christmas tree days. I squealed when I saw it.

This morning over coffee the idea hit me, I came up with this.

Paisley crazy

The purple coins are dyed crazy lace agate from Sedona Stones.

And yes, I am wearing it :)

Edit - I submitted this bracelet to Bead Trends for the Nov 2009 issue. It was chosen!!!
Here are pictures of the spread:

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A little something to hold on to

Sometimes we all need a little something to hold on to to remind us there is a higher power, or to remind us of our good qualities, or even to give us that little bit of luck we need that day.

Gemstones portray that 'little bit of something' to me. They are easy to carry around or wear as jewelry. I can easily reach up and touch a pendant as a reminder, or reach into my pocket and feel their warmth and reassurance. Silly to some I know, but it is the same as throwing salt over your shoulder when you spill it, crossing your fingers for good luck, keeping your St. Christopher metal on the rear view mirror of your car, or not jinxing your team by always wearing the same outfit to the game. All of these are our little traditions or superstitions that make us feel better about us.

With this in mind, I made this pendant for my sister in law. I chose the stones for their meanings and 'powers'. She is gentle and loving soul, her life is her family and friends, a teacher, with genius creativity.

I wrapped garnet, citrine, iolite and carnelian to the crystal, which is is the focal, which amplifies the qualities of the stones.

Garnet: Removes negativity, career success, self confidence.
Citrine: Success, intuition, creativity
Iolite: Intuition, inner knowledge
Carnelian: Creativity, peace, luck

Do you see the pattern here?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How cool is ArtFire?!?!

I got a box from my daughter for Christmas. Inside were little packages for me and my husband. I called her and we opened presents while on the phone with each other. We squealed and laffed and had a great time. One of the packages I got was full of items I had put in my Amazon wishlist from I was amazed that she had got them for me.

'How did you know about these?' I asked her.
'I am totally stalking you on Amazon, Ma.' she replied

I had no idea that anyone would even think about looking at Amazon for a gift for me. I use the wish list more as a 'Oh wow this is soo cool, I don't want to forget about it' list.

From lululalaland she sent me:

Product Image 5 pairs of Antique Copper finish SHELL hinged lever back earring hook

Product Image 5 feet of antique copper 5 plus 1 figaro chain 3mm

Product Image 10 pcs of Antique Brass finish lobster clasp

Product Image 250 pcs of Antique Copper Finish 24 Gauge 2 inch Headpins

Product Image 1 Meter of Antique Brass finish LARGE FLAT Cable Chain 7mm

And from A Beaded Affair

Product Image Hard to Find - 1/2 Round Copper Wire 18 Gauge - 50 Feet

I also received a free gift from one of the vendors, I am not sure who, of cute little green flower beads. I played around last nite and made this -

So cute and makes me forget about the winter weather we are having.

Hope your holidays are warm and full of love and great surprises!!!

Beading contests 2010 - What's coming up???

I rounded up some of the beading contests for the remainder of this year and next year. I have posted this before, but have added more information so if you didn't see it before, there may be something new you want to try.

I got my fingers crossed!

The Art and Design of Metal Clay Jewelry Calendar 2011
Seeking images to feature in the next annual calendar, The Art and Design of Metal Clay Jewelry 2011. All jewelry forms - necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, brooches, and others will be considered. Submit June 15, 2010 - Aug 15, 2010

Bead Unique
For Fall 2010 -Topaz – Mulberry – Chocolate – Metallic – Modern – Opulent
Deadline, February 5, 2010

Bead Dreams 2010
8 categories from jewelry to beaded items
Deadline, April 5, 2010

8th Annual The Ugly Necklace Contest, 2010
Shopping spree's for first and second place.
Deadline, March 15, 2010

Seed Beads Beading Contest
Firemountain Gems has six categories of great beading ideas. Win a shopping spree!
Opens Jan.12, 2010 - Closes Mar. 9, 2010

Your Designs Rock!
Rings & Things contest consists of five categories, with two chances to be entered into a raffel!
Opens January 1 — February 28, 2010.

Firemountain Gems have expanded their contests to six times a year!! Next contest is Art Clay,Wire Work, Metal Beads and Chains- deadline January 12, 2010."

Lark Books Submissions
Lark Books seeks images from artists/designers across the globe for publication in a juried collection showcasing felt objects. Deadline is February 13, 2010

Not into contests?
These publications are always looking for submissions.

Belle Armoire Jewelry
If you’d like to share your inspiration and detailed how-to instruction for creating beautiful jewelry with readers, we want to hear from you. Submissions quarterly January 15th, April 15th, July 15th 2010

Beadwork's W.O.R.D ("What Our Readers Did")
Send photos of your projects to Work inspired by projects published in previous issues of Beadwork magazine are especially welcome. Selected submissions may be published in Beadwork magazine on the "Letters" page.

Jewelry Artist Monthly Design Challenge
Each month Jewelry Arist challenges artists to sketch a specific design challenge. A selection of sketches are published in the "Your Turn" section of the magazine. Complete rules and entry information in every issue of Jewelry Artist. Deadline varies (generally the 30th of the month).

Step by Step Beads "Gallery of Reader Work"
Step by Step Beads editor Leslie Rogalski periodically calls for reader submissions on a certain theme. Selected submissions may be published in the magazine or on the website. Submission details inside Step by Step Beads magazine.

Step by Step Wire Jewelry "Wire Works" Reader Gallery
Please send images of your original wire designs to Selected submissions may be published in Step by Step Wire Jewelry.

Bead Trends Magazine
Bead Trends is an international publication offering new categories each month for you to enter. Submissions accepted will be published.

Good luck to you all!!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I <3 U R&T!!!

Sometimes keeping it simple can make some of the most interesting pieces. I love these little lamp work hearts I received from Rings & Things. For being so cute, they are so versatile. I am hoping to show this to you this week.

The holes in the beads are large, so adding a small sterling daisy spacer was a must to keep the head pins from sliding thru. I attached them directly to the toggle. And added a single swarovski crystal to the connector loop.

Pictured here are the:
*28-335-12-02 -16x20mm 'dotted' heart, pink/white/blue
*28-335-11-02 - 16x20mm 'crisscross' heart, pink/white/blue

It's on 20" of tightly braided leather. Keep in mind when you are braiding leather, add an extra 5" to the length when cutting the strips. You will loose that much if maybe not more depending on the tightness of the braid.

It looks so great on a sweater!

What will tomorrow bring??

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Rings & Things were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blog Partner Program. These items are for review or design purposes. Find out more about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program

Monday, December 21, 2009

Rings & Things Blogger Challenge -

I finally got some time to myself and sat down to play :)

I had this fun elastic bracelet of onyx and quartz with a honkin' jasper focal. The bracelet is too tight and I thought I would re string it so I would wear it more. After I had popped it, the thought process began. I began to build a new bracelet using the filigree I had received from Rings & Things. The bracelet turned into a necklace. I couldn't stop adding things!

From the items I received from Rings & Things, here is what I used.

*44-165-9 - Fancy space - gunmetal - filigree

*44-150-9 - Filigree harvest - gunmetal

I was concerned about the gunmetal coating on the filigree that it may flake off. I was very impressed in the production of these items. They held up very well and I didn't nick the finish at all.

*28-000-002-021 - 8mm faceted roundelle - black

*28-000-001-021 - 10mm faceted puffed coin -black

I like these little beads. They have some heft to them, it gives them a bit of a crystal feel. I don't feel like I will break or chip them when working with them.

I used symmetry for a change in this piece. I wanted the design to balance out the pattern of the focal. The pattern on the focal, looks like someone playing the piano, can you see it? They are bent over concentrating on the piece, playing away. In my head it is a loud crashing song, music that would portray a summer thunder storm.

Here is a close up of the filigree

I love the three strands of sterling that close out the design. You can see the music flowing thru the piece. The filigree is the swell of the music, the thunder and the lightening, softening back down to the faceted chinese glass, the rain. It swells one last time on the second filigree, the last clap of thunder and then lightly travels out the shiney strands of sterling chain. The clouds break, the sun shines thru and the rain slowly stops.

My designs are so much more to me than beads on a string, what do yours mean to you?

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Rings & Things were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blog Partner Program. These items are for review or design purposes. Find out more about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Looking for some inspiration

Everyone knows the months have a birthstone. Did you also know there are flowers tied to the months as well? December's birth flower is the Narcissus.

The Narcissus is the flower of respect, modesty and faithfulness.

The Narcissus family of flowers are one of my favorites. They are crazy hardy here in North Carolina and have every year since I moved here, bloomed in mid January and stayed till mid March. They thrill me with their vivid colors in the middle of the winter dreary.

I love it that it is chosen for the December flower. Something bright and springy in the middle of the cold winter, other than it may be difficult to give a bouquet of these lovelies during December. So with that in mind, I have found some lovely gift ideas that are inspired by the Narcissus!!

From Leafingearth at Artfire. Sweet little earrings of stacked lucite flower beads create a narcissus flower. Just darling!

From mcstoneworks studio at Artfire. Jade and pearl necklace with a daffodil focal. Warms up the coldest winter nights!!

From Whitecockade46 at ArtFire. Sunny jonquil swarovski crystals make you think of spring!

From JuniperGems at ArtFire. (my personal favorite) beautiful glass flower beads, sterling and jonquil swarovski crystals. This is a burst of spring flowers on your arm. This would lighten any mood!

So many ideas out there for that someone special in your life. Just go to your favorite online artists showcase and type in 'jonquil' 'daffodil' or 'narcissus' and see all the choices that come up!!
Happy shopping!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rings & Things Blogger Packet

I got my December blogger packet from Rings & Things. Was some fun stuff!!

*20-565 -White bamboo coral - short branch, valued at: $2.00, 16" strand
*44-940-52-AG - Antiqued gold plated TierraCast swallow, valued at: $9.75/10
*49-940-05-4 - Gold plated TierraCast connector frame, valued at: $16.30/10

*44-165-9 - Fancy space - gunmetal - filigree, valued at: $5.25/12
*44-150-9 - Filigree harvest - gunmetal, valued at: $3.65/12

A mix of -
*28-399-06-232 - 5) 6mm faceted round - ruby, valued at: $2.00, 16" strand
*28-000-001-252 - 4) 10mm faceted puffed coin - red, valued at: $8.00, 16" strand
*28-000-003-252 - 6) 8mm faceted helix -siam, valued at: $8.00, 16" strand
*28-000-002-252 - 5) 8mm facted roundelle - siam, valued at: $8.00, 16" strand
*28-000-002-021 - 11) 8mm facted roundelle - black, valued at: $8.00, 16" strand

*28-000-003-021 - 3) 8mm facted helix - black, valued at: $8.00, 16" strand
*28-000-001-021 - 3) 10mm faceted puffed coin -black, valued at: $8.00, 16" strand

Fun hearts - pre order exclusive!!!
*28-335-13 - 16x20mm 'love' heart, red/white, valued at: $13.50, 16" strand
*28-335-12-02 - 2) 16x20mm 'dotted' heart, pink/white/blue, valued at: $13.50, 16" strand
*28-335-11-02 - 2) 16x20mm 'crisscross' heart, pink/white/blue, valued at $13.50, 16" strand

Not listed on the site but similar to the pre order exclusives: (you saw them here first!!!)
* 1 white/red 'hot' heart, similar to this one

The items in this packet were not labeled. I had a blast searching Rings & Things site and looking for all the information to pass along to you. Rings & Things is defiantly on track for the upcoming celebration holiday of valentines day with these beauties. So cute and so many ideas going thru my head.

I will combine some for sure, but I may use some individually with my existing inventory. The heart beads would be great on leather for that tween look, classic earrings with the filigree and glass, coral and heart beads for a multi strand bracelet and that is just a start!

What would you make with all these great goodies?!!?!

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Rings & Things were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blog Partner Program. These items are for review or design purposes. Find out more about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Break Time!

Yesterday was my last show for the year. Now it is time to kick back for a few weeks and not feel so pressured.

I am going to use this time to seriously organize my work room. The goal (which will be reached!) is to have it done by the end of the year, focusing on starting out the year fresh, organized and getting some good energy flowing. I have my sights set on a prosperous 2010. Sales are really picking up in all of the retail locations my pieces are in, and will be focusing on adding more stores this coming year.

I am excited about a new year of blogger challenges with Rings & Things, Art Beads and Beadin Path. They are all so much fun to work with, supportive, and best of all, I feel I have made some new friends.

The organization began with tubs of 'homeless' beads. These are the beads that are scattered across my work table or in a central tub because I am too lazy to put them back into their baggies.

Here is a mess in a tub

Here is the mess separated out into: beads, findings, partially strung pieces, salvageable wire (this is my boredom killer at work)

From here I will separate it out even further till everything has it place. I got a lot ahead of me!

Friday, December 11, 2009

CorseCrafts at

I have stayed away from featuring or showing off a fellow artists work because I didn't want to be a 'copy cat' of other blogs which also do the same thing. Then I got to thinking, there are so many talented artists out there, there needs to be more bloggers telling people about them!

Not to step on any toes, not to take away anyones thunder for the idea of showcasing a fellow artist, more like another entree' in this great buffet of talent that is out there in the world.

Take a taste!!

CorseCrafts at

CorseCrafts has been on Etsy since March 2008 and boasts more than 160 items. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and fun lizard keychains are what you will find as you browse her store.

She has grasped a great casual/everyday style with her work and her prices are very affordable. She has pieces that are elegant in their simplicity and would be a great addition to any wardrobe.

Several collections are listed at CorseCrafts some are - Terre, Islander, Bleu Etoile, Poisson, and Nuit. Islander is my favorite of her collections reminding me of my trip to the Caribean.

Also offered from October 25 to December 19, enter "Holiday Special" in the "Message to Seller" box at check out and receive 15 % discount. Refund will be issued via PayPal.

Here's a peek

Stop by CorseCrafts and see what else is there!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

They are giving them away!!!! List of give aways from across the web

Trying to get caught up on my blogs this morning, I noticed there are several blogs having giveaways. Maybe it is due to the holiday gift giving mood, or maybe it is coincidence. I did a search and found so many blogs having give aways, I decided to share them with you today so you can get in on the chance to win!

Dawno's Beaded Badges and Lanyards
$25.00 gift cert to Art Beads.

A Blog for Beaders (Art Beads Blog)
$100.00 gift cert to Art Beads

Lisa Leonard - It's the little things
$250.00 gift cert to her store!

Jewelry Delicacies
Sterling silver water lily charm bracelet

Simply Sweet Home
Readers choice of necklaces up to $15.00

Steampunk Jewelry Rings
1st prize: Steampunk Sculpture
2nd prize: $100 Shopping Spree

Trapped Between a Scream and a Hug

Simply Stacie
Mookite necklace and earrings

Joyfully Home
Berry red bead necklace and earring set

And dont' for get mine!!

Just A Tish Designs
Amazonite and sterling necklace

Good luck!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

December 2009 Bead Shows - Last Chance!!

I have lost track of time and let this post slip passed me. There is still time! Time to shop for those last minute gift ideas.

Don't have time to go to a show, or not one in your area? Never fear. Several online suppliers are having great sales, and there is still time to have it shipped to you. Check out Dawno's blog from Saturday for all the great savings provided by these suppliers!

Happy Shopping!!!!

12/11 - 12/13, 2009 - Gem Faire, Costa Mesa, California, Orange County Fairgrounds, Building 12, 88 Fair Dr.

12/11 - 12/13, 2009 - Gemstreet USA, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sharonville Convention Center, 1135 Chester Rd

12/12 - 12/13, 2009 - Intergalactic Bead Shows, Richmond VA, Richmond Raceway Complex - (Colonial Building) 600 E Laburnum Ave

1212 - 12/13, 2009 - Innovative Beads Expo, Doylestown PA, Delaware Valley College, 700 East Butler Avenue

12/12 - 12/13, 2009 - Earth Treasures Gem, Jewelry, Mineral, Fossil Show & Sale, Nashville, TN, Tennessee State Fairgrounds; Creative Arts Bldg

12/11 - 12/13, 2009 - International Gem & Jewelry Show, Chicago IL, Donald E. Stephens Convention Center

12/11 - 12/13, 2009 - International Gem & Jewelry Show, White Plains NY, West Chester County Center

12/19 - 12/20, 2009 - Intergalactic Bead Shows, Charlotte NC, Metrolina Expo Trade Center - (Building C) 7100 Statesville Rd.

12/18 - 12/20, 2009 - Northshore Christmas Gem, Jewelry, & Bead Show, Slidell, LA,
Northshore Harbor Center, 100 Harbor Center Drive

12/18 - 12/20, 2009 - Gem Faire, San Diego CA, Scottish Rite Center 1895 Camino del Rio S.

12/18 - 12/20, 2009 - International Gem & Jewelry Show, Portland OR, DoubleTree Hotel - Lloyd Center, 1000 NE Multnomah

12/18 - 12/20, 2009 - International Gem & Jewelry Show, Chantilly VA, Dulles Expo Center, 4368 Chantilly Place

Monday, December 7, 2009

December issue of Bead Trends

I was so excited to get my December issue of Bead Trends Magazine. I have a set published this month. I don't normally set out to do a set, it just happened.

This is a set made with dyed magnesite stones* from Rings & Things, sterling chain from ArtBeads and Swarovski crystals from Sedona Stones.

Bead Trends is now looking for June 2010 submissions. Here are just a few of the categories:
Quick and Easy
Fashion Favorites
Sentimental Favorites.

Go today to see more of what they are asking for by way of submissions. Who knows - you may be in Junes issue!!

Good luck!!!

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Rings & Things were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blog Partner Program. These items are for review or design purposes. Find out more about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program

Friday, December 4, 2009

Going crazy with vintage lucite from Beadin Path

Yesterday, home from work, bored with sleeping and disgusted with t.v. I tried reading. My mind kept wandering to my work table and what I could be doing. I put the book down and sat at my work table.


I pushed some beads around on the table with my finger and hummed a ditty to myself.


I have some compartmentalized storage boxes I have been putting my beads and supplies in, so I picked up on that project to see if I ran across anything that would get me going. I sat in the floor with baggies all around me, sorting and piling and pushing things around. My cat, who loves plastic baggies and to play fetch, trotted in with a baggie in his mouth. He dropped it in front of me, mewed to get my attention and pushed up against me, his way of saying, 'Mom, throw it!' I picked up the baggie and noticed it was my lucite beads from Beadin Path. That pesky cat!

Oh wait, that glorious cat! I got an idea as soon as I touched that bag. My daughter had been on me about making too many necklaces, and challenged me to step out and try making bracelets and earrings. I did just that!

I have talked about the memory wire bracelets before. How they are a great alternative to elastic, especially if you are knot challenged like I am. They are also great bracelets for people who have a difficult time with clasps due to arthritis, or who may have larger wrists and have trouble finding something to fit. The other thing too about memory wire, it is a great unisex option, open up that customer base!

Vintage lucite beads are light, so you can bulk up a design and not have to worry about the weight. The colors are so vivid, whereas you are limited by natural stone. The lucite is so sturdy, it can take the wear on your wrist for a worry free fashion accessory.

So, memory wire bracelets -

LUC3737OR Twist Tube Beads 10 x 12mm Orange Moonglow *

Glass pearls

Sterling disks

LUC646GR - Vintage Lucite Matte Marbled Moss Green - 10 mm rounds *
Glass pearls

But don't stop there - how about memory wire earrings? These are great fun wire loop earrings packed with lucite. Lucite beads are so light weight you can wear some really daring designs and combinations and not have to worry about them being uncomfortable.

LUC4869OR Transparent Hyacinth Barrel Bead 12 x 14 mm *
Glass pearls

LUC461YL Opaque Jonquil Round 8 mm *
LUC4458YL Pale Jonquil Round beads 16mm *
LUC4759RD - Vintage Italian Lucie Marbled Red w/ White - 12mm rounds *
Seed beads
(My favorite)

- Vintage Lucite Matte Marbled Moss Green - 10 mm rounds *
Glass pearls

There are so many things to do with memory wire and vintage lucite, what about wine glass charms? What else do you make with memory wire?

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Beadin Path were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Beadin Path Design Partners. These items are for review or design purposes.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Decembers Give Away!

Attempted to go to work today and was sent home. No love for this sick woman today.

So, I am going to share the love with you today! I am having a December giveaway of one of my pieces that was published in the Aug 2009 issue of Bead Trends, along with the magazine.
This necklace is a focal of amazonite on a sterling chain with amazonite bead accents. Amazonite is a great gift for yourself or for that special someone in your life. Amazonite is said to be of truth, honor, communication, integrity and trust. It is said to enhance intuition, creativity, and intellect. Amazonite is said to be beneficial to communication. It is noted to lessen stress and self-defeating behaviors by calming and building self-esteem.

This giveaway is going to be extended to any one who visits my booth at the next two shows, and to my FaceBook Fans.

"How do I get in on this giveaway!!??!" I hear you say.

It's easy! Don't miss out on a chance to own a published JustATish original. The piece, Sterling Visions was originally published in the August issue of Bead Trends in 2009. In addition to the jewelry you will win a signed copy of this Bead Trends issue. The winners name will be drawn on December 15th at 12:01am. Use the contact form at Just A Tish Designs to sign up for our email list so you won't miss out on any special promotions, coupons or discounts and be entered in the contest. Also if you purchase an item between now and the 15th you will get an additional three entries!

Good luck!