
Friday, January 29, 2010

Andi's Inspiration

I was cleaning my work area and ran across these mica 'tags'. They were given to my by my friend Andi. Andi came up to me a few months back and said "I want to learn to make jewelry" I answered "Fantastic!" She said "I want you to teach me"

I was speechless. Andi is this beautiful human, full of life and wonder and humor and love. Her asking me to 'teach' her to make jewelry was such a compliment. Of course I said Yes!. Andi brought over her supplies and we sat down and she began to show me her creations. There was no teaching this girl. She had it all. Her jewelry was fantastical and whimsy. She needed no guidance from me, only encouragement. She had made a pair of earrings out of these mica tags. They were so much fun. I ooh and ahhed over them. She tried to give them to me, and i declined. They were her masterpiece. She gave me two of the tags to make my own. So tonite I did, in honor and inspired by her.

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