I blame Vanessa for enabling my natural rock hound tendencies and planting the seed to make my own jewelry.
I stop by and see them about twice a month and have a good visit. We often trade recipes or home made treats, and they always have a goodie bag for me. These goodie bags consist of broken strands of beads or chips that they have collected over time.
The last time I was there they gave me these:

Fluorite, blackstone, mother of pearl, 3 carved mother of pearl pendants, amazonite, citrine, heat treated agate, dyed quartz chips, and fancy jasper! This was a haul! I was so excited when they gave it to me.
Over at Millie's blog she is having a fun little celebration of spring. She is asking you to comment and leave your blog address and show everyone your design that celebrates spring. I have some fun things in this pile to get me motivated for something very 'Springy'
What will you make to share with Millie??
You are so LUCKY!! :)