
Thursday, March 4, 2010

March GiveAway - A Bead in Time by Lisa Crone

Celebrating craft month I couldn't think of a better give away than Lisa Crone's beautiful book - A Bead in Time. Lisa, blog author of A Bead A Day, offers to you 35 exquisite jewelry projects inspired by personal memories and expierences.

I love this book! Each project is beautifully photographed and easy to follow step by step instructions. It is hard to choose a favorite, but I will say, I do adore Summer Salad!

To enter leave a comment about what your favorite craft is, I will draw the winner on March 9, 2010. (This contest is also open to my FaceBook fans, leave a comment on my FaceBook fan page and get a second entry!)

*FTC compliance disclosure: the give away mentioned in this post credited to Lisa Crone was provided as a promotional gift with her permission thru her publisher North Light Books. This item is for review and promotional consideration.


  1. Sounds like a great book. My sister would love it. She's always making jewelry. Me, I'm more of a crocheter. But I appreciate all art forms.

  2. Tish....a great book. And I love color photos to give me an idea....consumate beginner that I idea of what it is I'm supposed to be doing, how to do it, and what It should look like finished. Every little bit helps. :) KM

  3. Aw, you are so sweet! I can't wait to see how it turns out! :)

  4. I must confess I'm into lots of the arts and crafts and master of none! I've loved beads and jewels and sparkly things for as long as I can remember, so I always come back to beading. Maybe I should stick with it???!!! Looks like a great book.

  5. I'm a beader for sure, but getting more into metal work - still for the express purpose of making jewerly ;)

  6. I'm the uber beginner/procrastinator beader. Books, books, books as well as blogs, tweets, and websites are my source of learning. One can never have too many resources for learning. :D
