
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Custom pendant from Aprils giveaway

Destiny got her pendant yesterday and was so excited. I wanted her to see it first and now I will share it with you!

I emailed her several focal stones for her to choose from. She really liked the faceted fancy jasper. I had her tell me her favorite colors, and favorite stones and worked those into the design as well. Destiny isn't a fan of the big, bold and loud like I am, so taking that into consideration, I kept the fancy japser the focal and let the wire wrap accent it.

Here is what she said - "OH MY GAWD I LOVE MY PENDANT SO MUCH!!!!! Can you tell I am yelling in excitement? (and jumping up and down and cheezin' and squeee-ing) And the earrings....guuurrrrlllll. I can't even begin to thank you. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!"

I giggled when I read it. I was so nervous she would not like it. It is harder to do a custom piece than it is to just let the pendant happen.

Stayin' with the give away theme, I stopped by Sara's blog and Softflex is having an Earth Day give away!! Swing on by Sara's blog - for the details!!!


  1. Love that! I bet she was cheezin'!!

    Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog. My granddaughter & I do have a pretty special relationship!

  2. Yes, custom pieces are more of a challenge than other things. Love what you did with the pendant!

  3. Thanks for posting the giveaway. You rock!
