
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I won earrings from Pearl and Pebble!!!

Pearl and Pebble had a giveaway on her blog the beginning of the month.

I won!!!!

I got my package in the mail and squealed. Look at this sweet little ribbon tied in a bow. A perfect touch. I felt like I was opening a birthday gift!

Inside on a beautiful little rose card was a note, and come to find out we were at one time from the same state! (all these artists have BEAUTIFUL hand writing........)

Then I opened the box an look at these - LOOK AT THESE!!! They are dainty, and shiney and flirty. They have the simple elegance that I adore. They can be worn with a t-shirt and jeans, or be the only piece of jewelry you have on for an evening out, and striking!

She has a fun Etsy shop Pearl and Pebble - with one of my favorite pieces -

Monet's Winter Bracelet

Not only does she make beautiful jewelry she dies wool and felts - paints - is a photographer.
She does it all - and does it all well! She is my hero.

Here is what shes says "I am a "late bloomer" in as much that I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do when I grew up. I went back to school and earned my BA in Studio Art-Painting at what I will call a "mature age". I love to create. Always have. My grandmother was my strongest influence. To her I attribute my love of making/remaking things. We share a passion for garage sales, resale shops and the hunt for fodder. She is bit more tidy than I am. However, I have since read via the web somewhere, that mine is not the sin of clutter but a seriously honest addiction to potential."

Stop by her blog and see what she has been up to - you will be amazed!


  1. Lucky you! Those are beautiful! I'm on my way to visit her blog! I'll have to tell my girls that all my good stuff isn't's an addiction to potential!

  2. WOW Tish, You make me sound like a SUPERSTAR!!! I'm so glad you are enjoying the earrings! Thanks for such a lovely post. Have a great day:D
