
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Look what I won!

Last nite I pulled a package out of the mail box and squealed like a kid at Christmas.

The package was from Jana over at Be~Jeweled by jana. Jana had a drawing on her blog for one of her beautiful necklaces. Well of course I entered!! I am a huge fan of her work, and I won!!!!!

Look at her beautiful packaging!!

Even her hand writing is beautiful!!

Beautifully and artistically packaged, very professional. This girl is good!

Inside the box was a little card with a note on the instructions and the flexibility of the necklace. You can reshape it or even re size it! How cool is that!

She even included two small - Live to ride charms - because we both share a love of motorcycles.

And here it is, my first piece of Jana jewelry - I am thrilled and wearing it today!!
Made with non tarnish silver coated copper, it is super light - you don't even know you are wearing it. I love the crocheted loops - they are all different, so much character. Multi colored glass beads added to the wire for such a festive look. I have a feeling I will wear this a lot! You can't help but smile when you look at it!

Thank you Jana for having a great give away!!!


  1. Tish, thank you SO much for the compliments... you've made my day! I'm really happy that you like it!

  2. That's really great Tish! Jana's an amazing designer. Love her colorful necklace. That packaging is a lot of fun too. Lots of creative spirit.

