
Friday, May 28, 2010

On a Copper Kick with Rings & Things

Since becoming a Blog Partner with Rings & Things, I have had the oppurtuinity to try so many new and exciting products. It has allowed me to try things I never would have before and has also got me hooked on a few things that I can not live with out.

One of them is copper.

I have been on a copper kick and I don't see it ending soon :)

This last go round along with my order to Rings & Things, I also able to add a few items to the list 'gratis' for being a Blog Partner. So what did I choose??

Copper :) I chose several different copper beads to use as accents with my new summer pieces. To me, copper is a great accent to summer. It is warm and inviting, the way it tarnish's it has an old friend feel - a comfort to me.

Here are some things accented with those great copper beads!

Sesame jasper slabs, accented with Czech crystals and 26-823 Bead, Copper Plated, Triangle Heishi (Copper Plated) * I love these Heishi beads, the go with any design. The copper plating most likely will prevent them from tarnishing to quickly and keep them bright. A great accent to the dark faceted crystals.

Dyed crazy lace agate, carnelian and quartz with 49-954-05-AC Bead, Cast, Flower, 5mm (Antiqued Copper Plated) * accents. Here is the SQUEEEEE for me - can you see the little copper bicones? (26-814-13 Bead, Copper, Bicone, 3mm (Copper) *) Next to the toggle? OMG they are the coolest thing ever! I love them. Can you get them faceted? I would have no need for swarovski crystals again!

Here is some fun with the triangle heishi beads and the bicones. Want a bead cap? Need a bead cap? Don't have a bead cap? Create the illusion of a bead cap by stacking these little beauties on your bead! They make the perfect accent to these earrings!

Not only has Rings & Things encouraged me to work with and try new products - they also entice me with things like this - Seriously!!!

I can't stand it!!! I am counting down the days when they will be in town for the bead tour. I can't wait to see this stuff up close and personal. I'll have my camera and will take lots of pics! Stay tuned kids there is so much more coming!!

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Rings & ThingsBlog Partner Program. These items are for review or design purposes. Find out more about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program were provided as a promotional gift as part of the

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Do you know Bismuth?

My friend Vanessa sells Bismuth once a twice a year, when she can get it. It is pricey, but when she has it she sells out quickly - and you can see why :)

I was looking at it this weekend and had to have a piece.

This is not the natural form - it is lab grown, but still - This is the coolest stuff!! From my work table it is not the greatest picture -

This is a better picture of it from Wikipedia -

I love the multi color!

So what is bismuth?

Bismuth is metal and has been confused in the past for lead or tin. Bismuth can be found in cosmetics, medicines and is used as a replacement for lead in solder. Bismuth is often found in its native form with an iridescent oxide tarnish, ranging in colors from yellow to blue.

Bismuth crystals like shown here are rarely if ever seen like this in nature. With it's low melting point - just above 590F (271 C) - these crystals can be grown on your stove!!! What a cool project that would be.:)

More facts about Bismuth -

A catalyst for making acrylic fibers
Ingredient in lubricating greases
Dense material for fishing sinkers
A pigment in artists' oil and acrylic paint (Bismuth Vanadate)

I am going to use my piece of bismuth as a pendant :) I am practicing a new way of wrapping - What do you think!?!?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's Give Away Time!!!!

Whew Kids - I have been so busy, I let May slip by without a give away! Never fear, I will make up for it. So I am having both May and Junes give away at the same time! That's right you heard me - TWO GIVE AWAYS!!!

It is my Crafty and Trendy Give Away. One package is for all my 'crafty' followers and another is for all of my 'trendy' followers.

For the crafty's I have

This kicking tote* so graciously given by Heather at Beadin Path. A tote is not fun if it is empty, so I have added Create Your Style color wheel*, also by Beadin Path, from my inventory, a ladle full of bead soup (including vintage lucite beads* from Beadin Path) the Jun/Jul issue of BeadWork magazine, June issue of Bead Trends magazine (I have a piece on page 29), vintage buttons, floral ribbon, a Just A Tish bumper sticker and bezel cups* and bottles* from Rings & Things!!!!!

Holy cow and if that is not enuff - for my Trendy fashionistas who love to accessorize

Copper wire wrapped pendant with turquoise, dyed howlite, red seed beads and a Czech crystal, a coordinating ring, and a Just A Tish bumper sticker!!!

Ring pictured is size 7 - If this is not your size, no worries. I will make one to fit you!

I want it all!!! I hear you say. Great, so here's how you play - You have 3 ways to enter:

1. Leave a comment and tell me are you crafty or are you trendy?
2. Tweet about it (let me know you did)
3. Blog about it (let me know you did)

I am opening this up to my FaceBook fans, my email list, and to my customers at the flea market.

I will be drawing a winner on Tuesday, June 1, 2010!!!!!

Good Luck!!!

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Rings & Things were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blog Partner Program. These items are for review or design purposes. Find out more about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program More items marked with '*' mentioned in this post credited to Beadin Path were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Beadin Path Design Partners. These items are for review or design purposes.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Progression of a booth

I took pics on Saturday while setting up my booth. I did this hoping it may help someone who may want to start to do festivals or fairs. I hope some of my ideas may work for you, or cause you to re think and improve on them.

Tent is up, everything is stowed under the tent and ready to be set up

Tables on either side, under cloths (flat sheets). A sign hanging in the back - 'Artist At Work' to tell customers that all the items made are hand made by me. I am liking the idea of the Artist At Work sign instead of a banner on the front of my tent with the business name. People would see the banner and know the name of my business but not know anything about what I do. The Artist At Work sign is an indicator that things are being created.

See the box on the middle table? I wish I had taken a picture of the front of it. I am using it as a display prop. On the other side of the box I glued a piece of 1" thick styrofoam. When covered with a cloth, I can pin jewelry to it and it can be a nice hanging display as well as to elevate the busts. You will see in later pics.

My signs are hung, earring board is hung (bungie cord around the supports of the tent hooked into eye hooks on the back of the board. I used framing wire to hang the framed work and Artist sign. See the elevate bust - that is sitting on top of that wooden box.

Here is a front view. I like the elevated bust, but I need to get it it's own cloth cover instead of jacking up the table cover that I have. It is all bunched up, and just not the 'look' I was hoping for.

Now I have both my tables covered, and my accent cloths over them, with jewelry displayed on the tables. Now to work on the final touches.

Everything is nearly in place. Notice the two chairs? There is a reason for that. I have it for anyone who wants to visit and see what I do. I am making jewelry the whole time I am in there. I also have it for anyone who made need to sit down due to health reasons and need to take a break. It may be going a bit above and beyond the customer service call of duty - but they will remember you. (just be careful of the free loaders - you have to be able to tell some ppl 'enuff is enuff')

Everything is now in its place. I have framed signs on the table with little sayings - brightly colored signs as reminders - 'custom orders while you wait' 'credit cards accepted' 'copper' 'sterling' My back table - work table - is a bit of a mess - but it is ok. I am working.

Close up of the back

Other side of the booth. You can see the copies of Bead Trends in the front. People get a kick out seeing the magazines and knowing that they may be buying a piece that is published.

See the hanging necklaces under the bust. They are held in place with T pins. See the pendant boards? I took a piece of styrfoam, covered it in fabric, and glued it to the glass of an inexpensive frame. Wha-La! pendant board in 5 mintues!!

More earrings on the other side. I made a frame, painted it black, and stapled screen replacement to it. Easy Peasy Cheesy!! Hung it from the tent frame supports, and had it wired to the table legs underneath to keep it from flapping around.

What I forgot to put out was my 'Sign up for my email' list and my 'you could win this' for my June give away. I'll get that ready for next week.

So for everyone who was wondering how many pieces did I get done preparing for this week - total - 35. That wasn't counting all the little charms I made for the 'Just A Charm' line I started this week as well.

My Saturday was AWESOME - I got rained out on Sunday. Can't have it all :)

Now - I have shown you my booth. I would love feed back or links to pictures of your booth!!

Thanks for stoppin by!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Just A Tish Designs presents - Just A Charm!!!

Just A Charm is my new line of a fun, whimsical, bit of everyday magic to accessorize you life.

The charms are natural gemstones hand wound onto silver plated or copper head pens.

Agate - Protection
Pearl - Faith
Lapis - Truth
Carnelian - Courage
Jade - Peace

Jasper - Tranquility
Aventurine - Luck
Amazonite - Health
Rose Quartz - Love

Each 'charm' is tied to a 26" black or brown hemp cord, and the rest is up to you!

Wear it on your wrist!

Use it as a book mark

Wear it around your neck!

Tie it to your belt

Tie it to your purse!!!
Wear it on your hat!!!

Change em up with your mood, your day, your activity, your agenda - it is up to you to make your own magic!!!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

New Pendants

Here is a peek at what I have been working on this week.

Jasper off center doughnut. I didn't see much need in adding too much to the copper wire. These two complimented each other so much, I just left it alone!

I have been pushing this bronzite square doughnut around my work table for months now thinking of something to do with it. I looked over at it, and a piece of copper wire was laying across it - the idea sprung to my head and I began to work.

Not only does the kyanite rectangle accent the bronzite bead, did you know, bronzite is called the Stone of Courtesy". Bronzite helps dispel uncertainty, it can help us also take necessary actions for our own benefit, while still being loving and polite and principled in our behavior.

Kyanite brings loyalty, honesty and tranquility, and diminishes anger and confusion.

Two great stones that look good together and function great together!!!

Till next time!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

With A Little Help From My Friends

I have been blogging here a little over a year now. Over that year I have met some wonderful people. It all started with a comment here or there, leading to an email and in some cases - texting!!!

I have met people from all over the world, with different skill sets, ideals, and points of view. Regardless of these things, we all have one thing in common, a love of what we do and we love to share it with others! These people go well beyond the term 'blogger' with me. I feel I have made some new friends, friends I will keep up with for a long time.

Each one offers a great source of inspiration to me, and their support is unmatched. They jump right in and give a hand or a suggestion - Trust me, that is a blessing in itself!

If you haven't read any of these - stop on by and give 'em a shout - you'll be glad you did!

Dawno's Beaded Badge Lanyards and Jewelry - Dawn was one of the first people to visit my blog and we soon became fast friends. I run into her everywhere online. It is like being invited to a party and wondering if you will know anyone there, and when you walk in the door, Dawn is there and you are comfortable! She is a great source of inspiration to me. I love her work and the way she presents it. We are total opposites in our styles which is prolly why I adore hers so much.

A Bead A Day - Lisa is who I want to be when I grow up. She thinks outside the box and takes me there with her. She is willing to share her knowledge and expertice and is fast with support and advice. A true mentor and friend.

Ahtee's Blog - Rose puts a smile on my face. She is whimsical, beautiful, smart, talented - the sky is the limit with this one. Her creativity is inspiring and her up beat attitude is catchy. I love how she takes you everywhere with her. Her blog is not just about being creative - it is also about being Rose. Rose is on a button kick right now, and I am loving it!!

ammjewelry - Millie is a scream. I love how excited she is about everything!!! She can work magic with re purposed jewelry that puts paid designers to shame. She isn't afraid to try anything new and takes you on that 'adventure' with her.

Be~Jeweled by jana - Jana is a kindred spirit with me. She is rip roaring and ready to go. She does beautiful wire crocheted jewelry. Each a piece of art work.

Deez News - I got some serious hero worship going on here with Davinia. I LOVE her creativity and her funky style. She is another blogger that welcomes you into her life as well as her workspace. She is easy to get to know, and you are a better person for it!

Pearl and Pebble - There isn't anything she cant' do - I am sure of it. Beading, sewing, painting, photography - i can't say she is a crafty diva - because when you see her work you will see she is an artist. She opens up her creativity to you and shares her life with you as well. She will have your mind working and your sides splitting. Good times!

If I could have one wish - it would be to have a huge round table with all of these women around it for an afternoon. Hell, it would probably drift well on into the wee hours of the morning :)

Thank you ladies!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Stuffs From Rings & Things!!!

I got my order just in time!! Am putting together pieces for the big show this weekend and my order from Rings & Things has arrived!

Look what I got!!

41-559 Crimp Tube, 2x2mm, "Size 2" (Sterling Silver)
61-810-19-87 Beadalon® Wire, 19 Strand, 0.015", 100' Spool (Bright Steel)
26-823 Bead, Copper Plated, Triangle Heishi (Copper Plated) * $8.00
22-313-CU Trade Bead, 3-4mm Barrel Heishi (Copper) * $7.50
47-406-SP Wire, Copper, 22g, Round, 125' (Solid Copper) (Not Pictured)
47-910-21 Wire, Stainless Steel, 21g, Square, 14.8' (Stainless Steel)
39-190-12-8 Clasp, Toggle, Cast, 12mm (Copper Plated)
47-900-20 Wire, Stainless Steel, 20g, Round, 19.7' (Stainless Steel)
47-900-24 Wire, Stainless Steel, 24g, Round, 39.4' (Stainless Steel)
41-256-03-00 Crimp, Tube, "Size 3", Variety Pack (Various Platings)
47-400-SP Wire, Copper, 18g, Round, 50' (Solid Copper) (Not Pictured)
47-900-22 Wire, Stainless Steel, 22g, Round, 32.8' (Stainless Steel)
37-505 Head Pin, 1.5", 0.020" Diameter (Sterling Silver)
26-840-01-AC Bead, Brass, Heishi, 7x3mm (Antiqued Copper Plated) * $12.00 (my favorites)
37-415-3 Head Pin, 1.5", Thin (Silver Plated)
49-954-05-AC Bead, Cast, Flower, 5mm (Antiqued Copper Plated) * $12.63
26-814-13 Bead, Copper, Bicone, 3mm (Copper) * $4.40
47-408-SP Wire, Copper, 20g, Round, 79' (Solid Copper) (Not Pictured)
37-099-15-7 Head Pin, 1.5", Standard, Ball End (Antiqued Copper Plated)
34-963 French Hook Ear Wire, Plain, Argentium® Sterling Silver (Sterling Silver)
28-335-17 Bead, Glass, Calavera, Sugar Skull (Multicolor)
26-813-118 Bead, Copper, Flower, Rope (Antiqued Copper) * $7.75
47-402-SP Wire, Copper, 14g, Round, 20' (Solid Copper) (Not pictured)

Dave at Rings & Things was kind enough to let me pick out items for this months blog partner program. All of the items that are marked with '*' are part of this.

I am so EXCITED about the copper beads, especially the heishi cut copper beads. They are beautiful! The pictures on the site do not do them justice.

I bought more of the sugar skulls - they are soooo cute! Anne, my retailer at Tirza's Imports took everything I had made with these skulls and wanted more!

I ordered the stainless wire after having so many requests for it from customers who have nickle allergies. I can't wait to work with it.

There she is kids!! Now to get busy and get some stuff made.

Anyone have any simple/cheap/DIY display ideas? I want to give my booth some flare.

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Rings & ThingsBlog Partner Program. These items are for review or design purposes. Find out more about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program were provided as a promotional gift as part of the

Monday, May 17, 2010


I have done the flea market the past two weekends, and am planning to do at least one more. The big festival at the fairgrounds is this coming week and they are expecting 100,000 people! You betcha I signed up.

After I signed up I began to panic - *Cue Psyco Theme* - DO I HAVE ENUFF INVENTORY!??!?!? Time to get busy! My goal is 100 pieces this week.

Will she be able to do it?!?!!?

Stay tuned!

Here is a peek at the booth. I MISS being at the market. I was destined for this type of work.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fun stuffs from Beadin Path - EZ bracelet sizer

Whew - I am out of practice! I haven't posted in a week due to some back issues and not being able to sit at a computer, but I am back on my feet (and backside) again and rearing to go!!

I got my order from Beadin Path last week and was really excited about one item in particular. I had an EZ bracelet sizer in the past but my dog ate it (no joke) and I needed another one, and was thrilled to find one from Beadin Path

As a free gift I got this great 'Create' Color Carousel!!! How awesome is this! Pick the color you are working with and find it's compliment and contrast!!!!! No more guessing! I love this thing!

Have you ever used a bracelet sizer? Here is the cool magic they work - check it out.
When I lie this bracelet flat, it is a little over 8" long. So you would think it would fit an 8 inch wrist - oh no!!!

*cue smoke and mirrors*

When you connect the toggle and drop it on the EZ bracelet sizer ....... OMG 7 1/4"!!!! It lost almost 1 whole inch!! where did it go?!!?

It is one of those pesky mathematical thingys I believe that causes this. The bracelet is one length, but due to the bulk of the beads, the inside circumference is different. The difference is not as great with the flatter beads.

Look at this one. Here is some fun vintage glass beads. Big and bulky - 14, 12 and 10mm beads. It measures the same - a little over 8" long.

Now bring the clasp together - wave your magic wand

Abrah cadabra!!!!!

6 3/4"!!!!!! well over an inch gone!!!

If you dont' have one of these little gems - they are so worth it. Especially if you have an online store. Customers will know exactly what size the bracelet it, as opposed to how long the bracelet is!

Til tomorrow kids!!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

More Summer fun with Art Beads!

I found a little time to myself this morning and wanted to get this bracelet made. I wanted the focal to be the lampwork beads (I am in love) and I 'wrangled the random' a bit to gave it some order.


From Art Beads
LMP-0168 - Purple, White and Orange Flowers with Purple Center Mix Bicone Beads (5 Pcs) *
CR-RL066 - 9x6mm Opalescent Pink and Light Emerald Roundelle *
CR-RL099 - Opaque Green w/ Half Picasso Roundelle *
FP-AMYLT6 - Czech Fire Polished Bead - Light Amethyst - 6mm *

From my inventory:
Sterling daisy spacers
Sterling spacers
10 mm jade bead
14 mm ocean jasper bead
1 dyed quartz nugget
1 sterling toggle

It reminds me of a meadow, with tiny purple johnny jump ups peeping up thru the grass around a group of daylillies. I want to kick my shoes off and go for a walk thru there.

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Art Beads were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blogging for Beaders Program. These items are for review or design purposes.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Earring Crazy!

I have been on an earring kick lately. I normally shy away from earrings - they are just not my favorite thing to make. I feel confined to such a small space. I was looking at my collection of earrings, and they are quite sad. I put a bunch on clearance and retired others and started making new ones.

As a general rule, I don't duplicate. I like that each piece is it's own creation. Now with earrings - I may have to bend that rule. I just don't have enuff ideas for earrings.

Here I used some fun gold tone spirals, popped a bead into the middle and added a tourmaline bead to the bottom.

These are the CR-OV018 - 11x9mm Orange w/ Picasso Ovals* I received as part of the blogger program from ArtBeads. I added tiny amazonite drops wrapped in 26 ga. silver plated wire I got from Rings & Things. These are my nieces favorites.

I love these. All the wire in this is 20 ga. copper wire from Rings & Things. I wrapped a spiral cone and set it on top of the carnelian drop (got these from Vanessa). Cut a piece of wire, flattened the end to keep it from going thru the bead and ran the wire thru the bead and thru the cone. Made a wire wrapped loop at the top. At the end of the cone, you can see there is a tiny loop. I made jump rings and attached them to the loop to give the earring some movement and decoration. Then I made ear wires by bending the wire around an ink pen. - 15 minutes.

Hearts on fire - Same 20 ga wire from Rings & Things. I shaped 12 hearts from the wire and made several jump rings. I put a jump ring thru the loops of the hearts to keep the heart together, then attached that jump ring to another jump ring and made a 'stack' Then I added a couple swarovski crystals. These are fun and have a ton of movement. I feel like dancing when I see these!!!

I used 14 ga red brass wire from Rings & Things and made a loop at the top, then I bent it around the base of my ring mandrel. Hammered the brass for texture and so my copper wire would grip. I used 22 ga. copper wire (also from Rings & Things)for the wrap and added FP-AMYLT6 - Czech Fire Polished Bead - Light Amethyst - 6mm * from ArtBeads as the accent.

How do you get your inspiration for earrings??

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Art Beads were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blogging for Beaders Program. These items are for review or design purposes.