
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Progression of a booth

I took pics on Saturday while setting up my booth. I did this hoping it may help someone who may want to start to do festivals or fairs. I hope some of my ideas may work for you, or cause you to re think and improve on them.

Tent is up, everything is stowed under the tent and ready to be set up

Tables on either side, under cloths (flat sheets). A sign hanging in the back - 'Artist At Work' to tell customers that all the items made are hand made by me. I am liking the idea of the Artist At Work sign instead of a banner on the front of my tent with the business name. People would see the banner and know the name of my business but not know anything about what I do. The Artist At Work sign is an indicator that things are being created.

See the box on the middle table? I wish I had taken a picture of the front of it. I am using it as a display prop. On the other side of the box I glued a piece of 1" thick styrofoam. When covered with a cloth, I can pin jewelry to it and it can be a nice hanging display as well as to elevate the busts. You will see in later pics.

My signs are hung, earring board is hung (bungie cord around the supports of the tent hooked into eye hooks on the back of the board. I used framing wire to hang the framed work and Artist sign. See the elevate bust - that is sitting on top of that wooden box.

Here is a front view. I like the elevated bust, but I need to get it it's own cloth cover instead of jacking up the table cover that I have. It is all bunched up, and just not the 'look' I was hoping for.

Now I have both my tables covered, and my accent cloths over them, with jewelry displayed on the tables. Now to work on the final touches.

Everything is nearly in place. Notice the two chairs? There is a reason for that. I have it for anyone who wants to visit and see what I do. I am making jewelry the whole time I am in there. I also have it for anyone who made need to sit down due to health reasons and need to take a break. It may be going a bit above and beyond the customer service call of duty - but they will remember you. (just be careful of the free loaders - you have to be able to tell some ppl 'enuff is enuff')

Everything is now in its place. I have framed signs on the table with little sayings - brightly colored signs as reminders - 'custom orders while you wait' 'credit cards accepted' 'copper' 'sterling' My back table - work table - is a bit of a mess - but it is ok. I am working.

Close up of the back

Other side of the booth. You can see the copies of Bead Trends in the front. People get a kick out seeing the magazines and knowing that they may be buying a piece that is published.

See the hanging necklaces under the bust. They are held in place with T pins. See the pendant boards? I took a piece of styrfoam, covered it in fabric, and glued it to the glass of an inexpensive frame. Wha-La! pendant board in 5 mintues!!

More earrings on the other side. I made a frame, painted it black, and stapled screen replacement to it. Easy Peasy Cheesy!! Hung it from the tent frame supports, and had it wired to the table legs underneath to keep it from flapping around.

What I forgot to put out was my 'Sign up for my email' list and my 'you could win this' for my June give away. I'll get that ready for next week.

So for everyone who was wondering how many pieces did I get done preparing for this week - total - 35. That wasn't counting all the little charms I made for the 'Just A Charm' line I started this week as well.

My Saturday was AWESOME - I got rained out on Sunday. Can't have it all :)

Now - I have shown you my booth. I would love feed back or links to pictures of your booth!!

Thanks for stoppin by!!


  1. It looks great Tish, how long does it take for you to set up? And can you do it on your own or do you have a helper? I think the chairs are a great idea, not only is it thoughtful, but it's good for someone who might like to try on a necklace or bracelet in comfort. Do you take a mirror for people to see how your pieces look on them? I hope you did really well on the day.

  2. Hey Davinia - ok - it takes me about an hour to set up. I do it all by myself. The tent I use is called an E-Z up - and named that for a reason. I have been doing this for several years, with and without a partner, so it is more like a routine now. Yes, I have a mirror, and I use it as a selling point. When customers are browsing the tent and we are chatting, I watch them to see if they keep going back to the same piece. I urge them to try it on, and always end it with, while holding up the mirror - 'The mirror don't lie :)'
