
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

With A Little Help From My Friends

I have been blogging here a little over a year now. Over that year I have met some wonderful people. It all started with a comment here or there, leading to an email and in some cases - texting!!!

I have met people from all over the world, with different skill sets, ideals, and points of view. Regardless of these things, we all have one thing in common, a love of what we do and we love to share it with others! These people go well beyond the term 'blogger' with me. I feel I have made some new friends, friends I will keep up with for a long time.

Each one offers a great source of inspiration to me, and their support is unmatched. They jump right in and give a hand or a suggestion - Trust me, that is a blessing in itself!

If you haven't read any of these - stop on by and give 'em a shout - you'll be glad you did!

Dawno's Beaded Badge Lanyards and Jewelry - Dawn was one of the first people to visit my blog and we soon became fast friends. I run into her everywhere online. It is like being invited to a party and wondering if you will know anyone there, and when you walk in the door, Dawn is there and you are comfortable! She is a great source of inspiration to me. I love her work and the way she presents it. We are total opposites in our styles which is prolly why I adore hers so much.

A Bead A Day - Lisa is who I want to be when I grow up. She thinks outside the box and takes me there with her. She is willing to share her knowledge and expertice and is fast with support and advice. A true mentor and friend.

Ahtee's Blog - Rose puts a smile on my face. She is whimsical, beautiful, smart, talented - the sky is the limit with this one. Her creativity is inspiring and her up beat attitude is catchy. I love how she takes you everywhere with her. Her blog is not just about being creative - it is also about being Rose. Rose is on a button kick right now, and I am loving it!!

ammjewelry - Millie is a scream. I love how excited she is about everything!!! She can work magic with re purposed jewelry that puts paid designers to shame. She isn't afraid to try anything new and takes you on that 'adventure' with her.

Be~Jeweled by jana - Jana is a kindred spirit with me. She is rip roaring and ready to go. She does beautiful wire crocheted jewelry. Each a piece of art work.

Deez News - I got some serious hero worship going on here with Davinia. I LOVE her creativity and her funky style. She is another blogger that welcomes you into her life as well as her workspace. She is easy to get to know, and you are a better person for it!

Pearl and Pebble - There isn't anything she cant' do - I am sure of it. Beading, sewing, painting, photography - i can't say she is a crafty diva - because when you see her work you will see she is an artist. She opens up her creativity to you and shares her life with you as well. She will have your mind working and your sides splitting. Good times!

If I could have one wish - it would be to have a huge round table with all of these women around it for an afternoon. Hell, it would probably drift well on into the wee hours of the morning :)

Thank you ladies!!!


  1. I would agree on the community that we have here. And thank you for reminding me of how very awesome all of these talented ladies are!
    Enjoy the day! Erin

  2. Oh Tish.....thanks for the lovely compliment and to be in the company of such talented ladies is humbling. are those one hundred pieces coming along, what number are you up to, and will you make it, I'm cheering for you.

  3. Thank you, Tish! I feel blessed to have become a part of this community and for the people I have "met" online. I look forward each day to checking in to see what everyone is doing! You're all a great inspiration to me!

  4. Tish, thank you for including me in this list with these talented ladies! It brightened up my day so much. I feel like I've found my place here in this little community of bloggers. I love reading everyone's posts and feel blessed to be a part of all your lives! Thank you again :) <3

  5. Oh how i wish we could bead together, I'd love to learn how you make those cuffs! Thanks Tish for being you! :)

  6. Thank you for including me in such a wonderful group of artists! I'm having a blast creating and blogging about it, I just wish I had found you all years ago! You're the best Tish! Happy Creating!
