
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Update - Rings & Things Bead Show and more

Yesterday - was the Rings & Things Bead Show in NC - I was EXCITED. I got permission to work a half day (my boss understands my addiction), got my day organized and off I went. I had a couple of stops to make on the way, made a wrong turn, had a detour, and was there in a little over 2 hours. Not bad.

I wandered in around 2:30 and was surprised to not see a lot of people there. Granted the rush was most likely when the door opened, and me being a slacker, was late. I was greeted at the door (she was the sweetest) given and explanation of the prices, and a shopping tray. I asked her if she would let me interview her for my blog which caused her to sputter and back pedal. I took her off guard :) She tried to pawn it off on a fellow co worker, saying they were better at it than her, when she was saved by a customer that needed to check out.

I would be back.

I grabbed my camera to take a few pictures and got this shot - from one corner of the room - approx 45 tables - PACKED with goodies.

Went to take another shot........nothing

Tried again - Nothing. I think my flash card is bad. James had bought me a new one, and I was trying it out.


I wanted to talk to a few of the people that were there and get some input from them about their shopping expierences with Rings & Things, what they do, how long, etc... just a little "get to know them" type of interview.

I have never had to work so hard to approach anyone in my life. I can talk down a brick wall! They were all too busy, in too much of a hurry, and some - flat out rude. At one point, I was looking thru a bin, and a woman came up beside me, put her tray right over the top of the bin I was looking in and began to rummage. I picked up her try and moved it over to the side so I could continue to look, and she grabbed the tray, and said - "I was only going to be a minute - you couldn't have waited!?!"

*blink* *blink*

I took this as a sign to go to the side, sit down and get a pre total of the items I had in my tray, and relax. I wanted to make sure my eyes didn't get bigger than my stomach and I buy everything I saw!

I was still good.

There were beautiful stone beads, Czech crystals, pearls, sterling, Swarovski crystals, copper, wood beads, trade beads, dyed beads, carved beads, glass beads, HUGE beads, tiny beads - it was all there! The prices were stupid. I got some strands for $2.00!!! Not only were they 50% off their retail, but an additional 15% off of that. They were giving them away.

Oh what did I get?

That will have to wait for tomorrow.

I am a bit preoccupied at the moment

Pray for my marriage - I hope we make it thru this :)

Tomorrow kids!!!


  1. Lucky you to get to go to a bead show! We're probably too far from anywhere for me to ever get to go! Can't wait to see what you got!

    (Good luck with the remodel!)

  2. !! Wow, where do you sleep? I knew you were an ambitious person, Tish, but you're really takin' the house apart there...Thanks for checking out our bead show, I know from experience our workers get incredibly busy. And some are modest :) I'll put your name in the drawing for a BeadTour t-shirt, since you've blogged about it...

    Wishing you lots of remodeling energy!

    at Rings & Things

  3. Update:

    Tish, guess what? I randomly drew winners from the hat, and you're one of them! Your Rings & Things BeadTour t-shirt should arrive in the mail in a few days.

    Congrats :)

    at Rings & Things
