
Friday, July 23, 2010

Out until further notice

In between tears I write this, that may be a bit too much information, but I dont' want to leave you hanging as to where I am.

There has been a death in the family and we are leaving in the morning.

I don't know how long it will be before I am back in the swing of things.

Until then, Peace.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Finding treasures

One of the vendors son's has taken a shine to me at the market:) He loves to come by and chat with me, and wants to learn how to make jewelry. He has been collecting jewelry to re purpose for his designs.

He brought a huge bag of his collection to share with me.

There is so much stuff to go thru. A lot of the beads are "pressed" onto the string and cannot be removed. I am wondering if i can incorporate them some how into a design as a full strand.

This was a fun find. They are all that orange color but some of them are painted pink. I know I do something really fun with this one.

Oh yess!!! Watches!!!! 5 of them in there :)

There were several of these, of which I doubt I do anything with, but they take me back :) anyone remember these?

I love this little one. Looks like a marjong tile :)

I am going to have some more fun and dig around and see what else I can find :)

Stay Tuned!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fun finds at the market!!

This weekend at the market there was a gem show!!


Vanessa couldn't wait to take me over there, so off we went. I didn't have the time I would like to have had but it was still fun to get out of the booth and go for a wander :)

What did you get!?!?!?!?! I hear you say!

This lovely tangle of goodness!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Fun Give Aways!!!

Lorelei has a great book of 60 earring designs all that can be done in 30 minutes or less!! Check out her post for more details!!

Over at Classy H Jewelry - they are giving away a cool glam kit!! Stop by the blog for more details!

Cindy over at Sweet Bead Studio has this beautiful pendant and more she will be giving away. Stop by her blog for the simplest entry yet!!

Do you know of any give aways this week?? Why not share the love and post the in the comments and I'll add them to the page!

Good Luck!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fun for me for a change

I have been so busy this passed month, I have barely had anytime to make anything other than when I am doing special orders at the market.

I am not going to complain because I am having a lot of fun being too busy to make any jewelry - :)

But I did take some time this morning and made a couple pairs of earrings while the puppy was asleep on my feet. It was nice to sit and have some coffee and create for a while :)

Small garnet beads re purposed from an old necklace. I hammered the ends of the 20 ga copper wire to make a 'stoppper' for the beads. Make a basic wire loop at the top and attached them to the wire wrapped loop.

I was looking at Indian jewelry, of which I love, and it naturally takes me over to the Bali and Tibetan style jewelry. I wanted to try and create my own twist on the look. I love the dangles on EVERYTHING! It makes them so busy. They kinda look like little lanterns :)

And I know you are wondering -
What are you going to do with a tiny plastic pig bead!??!?!?!?!
Stay Tuned!!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Little bit of fun

Do you remember way back when, those craft kits you would get around Christmas time to make ornaments with?

Little felt cut outs - and you would sew sequins on them and doll em up with a bit of embroidery. I found a zip lock baggy full of those sequence, plus little push pins and beads that you can use on a Styrofoam ball to make ornaments from as well.

I was asked to make some whimsical items. Hrm - *think think* I want to make something small, something ornamental and I thought - bobby pin. Why not. So I played with some of the sequins from the bag, and a few buttons, and a few crystals and here is what I came up with.

Not quite done with the idea - they need to be bigger, bolder, better.

Stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Flex Your Creativity Beadin Contest 2010

Soft Flex is having their "Flex Your Creativity" Beading contests. Design entries for the 2010 contest are due September 1st, 2010. (be patient, it takes a minute for the page to load)

Theme for this contest is Steam Punk - Grand prize of $500!!!!

Good luck!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Who is the sexy??

This girl is the sexy!!!

I got my Rings & Things Bead Tour shirt!! I blogged about the show, my name was put in a hat, and my name was picked!!!!

Out on the bike and enjoying the day with my Rings & Things t-shirt!!

Thanks Rings & Things!!!!

and no - before anyone asks - I have never been shot out of a cannon........

And the winner is?!!?!?

Sandi over at Do Be Do Bead Do your name was chosen as the winner of the July Grab Bag giveaway!!!!

I am not going to post the grab bag contents until she receives her package so it will be a surprise to her too!!!

Thanks for playing kids - stay tuned there is always more fun!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Easy being green!!! - Jen Judd Giveaway!!!

Jen is being so generous and having a giveaway to celebrate 7, yes SEVEN of her pieces being published this summer!!!

Stop by her blog for more information, and get entered today!!!!

Good luck!!

Friday, July 9, 2010

One more for the library - Rena Klingenberg

I have been getting Rena Klingenberg newsletters for some time now.

I crawl all over her site on a regular basis looking for more information, or tips and tricks of the trade.

But her site is so much more than that. There are tons of submissions for people just like you and me. Jewelry artists in the business willing to share their experiences and knowledge to everyone who stops by.

There is also a gallery of beautiful hand crafted pieces submitted by the followers of the site.

There is so much information to glean thru, it can be over whelming. That being said - I am ordering her book. I am so excited. I read this article on her site - and have permission to re post it - and am going to try this technique tomorrow at the market. Will let you know how it turns out.

How to Sell More Jewelry with Volume Discounts

copyright by Rena Klingenberg

Customers love to feel like they’re getting a good deal, so offering some items at "volume discount pricing" can net you a lot of extra sales and repeat buyers.

For example, I have a big selection of very simple gemstone bead earrings with sterling silver earwires. I price them at $16 for 1 pair, $14 each for 3 pair, and $12 each for 5 pair. You'd be amazed at how many people automatically spend $60 buying 5 pair just because that's the best price per pair.

If a customer comes to check out with just 2 pair, I mention that they'll receive a discount if they get 3 pair - and nearly always they go back to pick out a third pair of earrings, spending $42 instead of $32.

I know that without the volume discount, most people would buy just one pair and spend only $16.

Why not try volume discount pricing on a selected group of your jewelry pieces? I think this tactic is most successful with a group of similar items that are regularly priced under $20.

You can increase people's urgency to take you up on your special pricing with a sign mentioning that they can take care of all their holiday shopping today with this special jewelry bargain. Include a free gift pouch or box for each piece, and you'll probably make all the sales you can keep up with.

Some quick tips on successful volume discount pricing:

- Be sure to calculate your volume discounts so that you're still earning a good profit per piece at your lowest pricing. (Even at the lowest price, $12 per pair, I make a very tidy profit on the volume-priced earrings).

- Post obvious signs next to the items listing your pricing discounts.

- If anyone comes to check out with just one, ask if they saw today's special savings on this group of items.

- This kind of deal is most effective for you if it's for something you can turn out quickly and in volume, with slight differences from one piece to another (such as changing bead color or shape).

- A “rummage bin” increases the sale of volume-discount items. Put the items in mini-ziplocks in a pretty basket, tray, trunk, or box and observe the power of rummaging!

You can experiment with volume discounts till you find the right jewelry items and pricing that make this a guaranteed, profitable bread-and-butter item for you.

Check out her site for more information or if you are interested in her book you can Click Here! to find out how to order.

Til then kids!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Random fun - wire wrapped cuff

Had some fun working on a new wire cuff design. Instead of 'trying' to have a bit of a theme or color scheme - I just used random beads. Another great idea of what to do with your 'left overs'

Here is a close up

It fits nice and snug and literally goes with everything :) Is fun to look at because I can see left over beads from various pieces I have worked on. Is like a fun memory bracelet of projects past.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Do you know Harry and Vanessa?

I have talked about them for so long, I thought I should introduce you to them :)

These two hold a very special place in my heart. We have gone beyond friendship and have become an extended family. I have known them for about 10 years. Harry started at the flea market with his rock/mineral business about 20 years ago. Vanessa has been with him for 15 of that.

When you are wandering the flea market you are drawn to their booth by the tinkling singing of the agate sliced wind chimes hanging from the tent supports. As you approach the booth you are greeted by four poodles and Vanessa's open arms. She genuinely loves everyone. She wants to know you, to know your name and invites you back to see her. She will remember you too.

Harry loves a good conversation. He has so many interesting stories from his life, it is a joy to sit with him.

No one leaves the booth empty handed. You may not find what you are looking for, but Harry will make sure you have something. Everyone leaves with a tumbled stone picked out special by him.

They never need a business card - everyone has a tumbled stone in their pocket and they can tell you exactly where they got it, and they will strongly suggest you go by the booth and meet them for yourself.

You can see behind them all the tubs - those are tumbled stones. In front of them all those beautiful gem and mineral specimens. It is rock hound heaven whether beginner or expert.

Strands of stone chips and tumbled nuggets, pendants, silver jewelry and so much more. If you are ever at the Raleigh Flea Market - stop by and see them. you will be glad you did :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's Give Away Time!!!!

It's giveaway time!!!! This month will be a jewelry grab bag!! It may be one item or a combination of items! How do you enter?!?

The four ways to enter are:

1. Leave a comment and tell me what is your favorite item from my site.
2. Share this on your blog (let me know you did)
3. Tweet it. (let me know you did)
4. Share this on your FaceBook page. (let me know you did)

See - Easy!!

I'll draw on Monday - July 12, 2010 - Good Luck!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

D is for delightful!

Remember this from yesterdays post?

Ms. Denise stopped by the booth yesterday at the market and was thrilled to see her new necklace! She was grinning from ear to ear. I had to take a picture of her and her new 'do' :)

"When can I get the bracelet and earrings to match!" she says

so cute!

Thanks Denise and enjoy your necklace!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

July's Give Away

What shall I give away in July? Gift Certificate? Custom Pendant? Jewelry Grab Bag? Beading Supplies? You Decide!

I'll tally up the suggestions and make the announcement on Wednesday, July 7th!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

New look with traditional pearls

Remember this?

These were some of the items I got at the Rings & Things road show. I had several things on my list that were ear marked for a customer who was wanting new life brought to her traditional strand of pearls.

I got the necklace done this week -

Two styles of sterling chain, accented with her pearls and swarovski crystals. I put the heart toggle clasp in the front. It is too cute to hide at the back of the necklace, and she loves hearts:) I will be delivering it to her this weekend.

There are tons of pearls left over and some of the cable chain. I am going to make a dangle bracelet to match, and a pair of earrings to complete the set.

More to come!