
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New pendants

I am a huge fan of Caremore's store over on Etsy. I love her vision and creativity in her wire wrapping. Every piece makes me gasp and oooooohhhhh.

I eyeballed a few of her pieces and tried to apply her technique to a few stones of mine.

This is the outcome.

My first attempt. This is a top drilled feldspar bead, bout the size of a quarter. Feldspar helps us to find unconventional and exciting ways to reach our goals. With that in mind, I added a little purple star, to always remind me to reach for the stars when I set goals for myself.

Try 2.

Here I stacked 2 magnesite disks and wrapped them with copper. I think it looks like an Easter bonnet - my daughter thinks it looks like a boob.................

Try 3.

I love this low quality moss quartz bead. There is so much texture to it, it feels great in your hand. I added more copper swirls and added lepidolite and a faceted quartz bead. I love the qualites of lepidolite it is a stone of calm, trust, and acceptance. Quartz is an amplifier, so how awesome is this combination!

Stop on by Caremore's store and get wow'd by her work - I promise you won't be disappointed!

If you dont' see me for a while - I have a new toy -and it is occupying all my time :)

Later Kids!!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August's Custom Pendant Revealed!!

Jenny's name was drawn this month as the winner of the custom made pendant. Jenny is into greens and oranges and likes copper. She requested it be shaped like an exclamation point.

I wanted to wait til she received it before posting the piece as not to spoil it for her. She hit me up on facebook today, wearing it!!!

Here it is!!

This little guy is all the way in Sweden!!

Keep an eye out for Septembers giveaway! Who knows what it may be!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Building a Design - When is Enuff - Enuff?

My friend Jessie gave me several glass pendants she picked up at a street fair awhile back, and last nite I sat down to make something with them.

It all started simple enuff - a single strand of seed beads and aventurine beads. A group of seed beads separated by the aventurine. I didn't measure between or count beads - I call it my sorta symmetry :)

I can't leave well enuff alone - I always have to build and build. I have a problem with symmetry, (even sorta symmetry) it makes me yawn at times. I have to have things be busy - I'll chalk that up to my ADD - it has been a life long curse.

I added a second strand - keeping the idea similar, a group of seed beads and the quartz and crystal pattern.

But it didn't stop there. Oh no! I added a third strand. This strand is completely random. Aventurine chips and disks, copper, lapis, jade, quartz, seed beads and mookite. I wove (is that a word?) the third strand thru the design and sat back and smiled.

I love all of the color. I know we are going into fall but I can dream about spring already, can't I?

How do you build your designs? Can you stop? Do you have to keep adding? I would love to know!

It even looks better on - now I have to do something with my hair - the pink stripes are just not getting it :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

It's HERE!!! Rena Klingenberg's Ultimate Guide!!

I finally got around to ordering this book. I have been eye balling it for some time now. It finally show'd up today!! I immediatly sat down and skimmed over it. I can't wait to dive in and eat it up!

Rena offers a peek inside the book a her site Home Jewelry Business Success Tip

Should You Put Price Tags on Your Jewelry?

copyright by Rena Klingenberg

Do you sell more jewelry by placing a visible price tag on each piece, or by leaving the price a mystery until the customer inquires about it?

Some jewelry artists prefer to leave prices off their jewelry, so customers will have to ask about pieces that interest them - thereby giving the jeweler the opening to establish a relationship with the customer and sell the piece.

Others feel that customers will assume jewelry without price tags must be too expensive, and that they’ll leave your booth without ever asking how much that beautiful bracelet costs.

When I'm shopping, I personally am one of the customers who are too shy to ask about the prices on items that don't have visible price tags. Artists of all kinds of handcrafts have lost sales to me because I didn't see any price tags and didn't feel comfortable asking about their prices.

I put visible price tags on all my jewelry. I usually work my booth alone, and the more information I make accessible to my customers, the greater my chance of making sales to them.

Sometimes I'm in a swarm of customers asking questions and making purchases, and someone on the fringes wondering whether they can afford a particular pair of earrings wouldn't bother to wait to find out while I'm closing other sales and packaging other customers' jewelry.

But with visible pricing, customers know immediately whether they can afford the piece, so I won't lose their business to another jewelry vendor if they'd like to purchase it.

Also, this way I don't have to try to remember my prices for each piece! I'm not a numbers-oriented person, and I do best if I make the numbers-work as simple as possible for myself.

If you’re undecided on this issue, you may want to run a test at your next show by pricing half your items and leaving price tags off the other half. See which method seems to bring you the most sales!

What kind of price labels do you use?

For putting prices on all my jewelry, I buy the smallest-size removable stickers from local office supply stores. I write the prices on these stickers with a fine-point Sharpie marker, and stick them on a bottom corner of the front my jewelry hang tags and earring cards. Then when I sell a piece of jewelry, I can easily peel off the removable price sticker as I package the piece.

Or if I’m displaying a group of items that are all priced the same, I omit the individual stickers and put up a small sign in a picture frame stating something like “Gemstone Bead Earrings - $16”.

It’s best to use a form of price labeling that’s difficult for someone to remove and switch around when you’re not looking. Some jewelers prefer to use “sharkskin” tags (barbell-shaped stickers that fold around a bracelet or necklace with the large ends adhered together), while others print the pricing directly on their jewelry cards and hang tags.

Rena also offers

That one is next on my list!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Rethinking the booth - luring them in with wire wrapped rings

Couple of weeks ago at the market - I re thought my booth. Instead of putting all of my inventory out and over crowding my tables and displays, I cut my displayed items in half. In my mind - if i have EVERYTHING out on the table, all of my pieces will have exposure and my rate of sales should increase, right?


Sensory overload - too much to look at. The items are no longer individual pieces but part of a huge display. Another way to look at it - if I have everything out on the tables, what is there new to look at to get customers to come back. There is also another selling point. When you see customers looking at specific pieces, it gives you the open door to approach them with an up sale. Notice what they are looking at, and let them know you have other pieces not shown that would go perfect with that item. When you pull your inventory tub out to get the piece, they want to see what else you have. Then close the deal.

But how would I display them. In my mind I thought "What would Barbara do?" Barbara is a dear friend of mine who owns Gifts with a Heart in Raleigh. She has some of the best displays in her store. I love how she ties everything together. Wouldn't you know it, just as I thought it, here she walks into my booth!! I told her my dilemma and being the person she is set to work to show me about displaying product. Now I have them grouped by stone, by sets, by targeted age, by price point and so forth.

One thing she did was to put my ring displays to the front of the table. They are the first thing you see when you walk by, and priced to get your attention. People will stop and look at the rings, and then come in to see if there are earrings or a bracelet to go with them.

As a general rule I don't duplicate my pieces, but when it comes to earrings and rings, you can only do so many different things before you have exhausted your creativity. These are my biggest sellers.

Re thinking my booth is one of the best things I have done this season. What do you do to bring people into your booths?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Something Romantic

Bead Trends is taking submissions for their Feb. 2011 issue. One of the categories is 'It's About Romance'.

Back in Feb of 2009 one of my pieces 'Loves First Kiss' was published in a similar category, for romance and love.

What inspires romantic jewelry? I did a Google search for the word romance and found these images. Maybe they will inspire you to create a new piece!

More information on how to submit to Bead Trends

Bead Trends (February 2011) Call

Bead Trends is currently looking for designs with the following themes for our February 2011 issue:

  • Quick & Easy
  • Fashion Favorites - Features designs from a variety of styles and mediums that can be a personal favorite or necessary staple in any wardrobe.
  • Birthstone - Amethyst
  • Anything Goes - The beaded possibilities are endless and not just limited to jewelry. What about pillows, table runners, picture frames, lamps, clothing, candle collars, wine glass charms, and home decor?! This category can contain jewelry and a whole lot more!
  • Necklaces
  • It's About Romance - Designs for the season of romance, whether vintage or modern!
  • Semi Precious Gemstones - Wonderful designs created with earthy and organic gemstones.
  • Inspired By...- Designs that were inspired by something you love including nature, family, memories, art and more. We want to see your inspirational pieces and hear their stories.
  • Recycled/Upcycled - We love those innovative designs created by recycling old pieces or upcycling the unexpected!

If you would like to submit your work to this publication, please e-mail a photograph, the name or title of your piece, and contact information to:

If submitting multiple pieces, please send a separate e-mail and photograph for each design.

Deadline for the February 2011 issue is 11:59 p.m. MDT, August 25th, 2010. All ideas should be your original work and not previously published.

We will review all submissions, and if selected, we will contact you by September 1st with additional information. All pieces will need to be shipped to us directly for photography and arrive in our office by September 13th. Your creation will be returned to you insured, after the issue has been printed.

Good Luck!!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Stringing Magazine Challenge - I'm In!!

I am sooo excited!

I submitted my piece Hello Tiffany to the Stringing Magazine 'Lets Go To The Movies' Challenge and I got accepted!

Voting is going on til Sept 3, 2010

Vote for your favorite today!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Packed full of crystals - Wire wrapped cuff

I made this over the weekend during my down time at the market. I will admit, I am in love with the free form wire wrapped cuffs. The designs are limitless.

This one is uber random and packed. It is so busy, you can look at it for hours.

I have this love affair with copper to the point, I believe I could walk away from sliver all together and not look back. I have so many ideas in my head for more of these cuffs. Colors, themes, simple and extreme, I could just make these exclusively. Hrm...should I use the wire wrapped cuffs and pendants as my calling card? Should I market these items more and use the other pieces as filler? Would I be limiting myself as an artist to focus on one design, or would I be challenging myself to better the design?

So many questions.....

Monday, August 9, 2010

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!

Congratz to Jenny!! She won a custom made pendant!
She must have put all of her energy into winning! She made the wish and it came true!

The pendant will be all about Jenny, her design ideas, colors, stones ..... her design, my hands and a great custom pendant!

Thanks for playing kids!!

We will do it again next month!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Two Tootsies on the ArtFire Crazy Train!

I jumped on the ArtFire Crazy Train.

Don't know what this is? Well have I got news for you!!

ArtFires Crazy Train is a new guild. Crazy Train is a group of PRO Art Fire members that get together and promote each others shops.

So to do my duty as a fellow artist and to promote handmade and other artists, here is todays Crazy Train!

Between August 6 and 7 TWO TOOTSIES from Pembroke, MA will be the Artfire Crazy Train Rider where you will find designed jewelry.

As luck would have it all items are 20% off through the month of August. The price shown on each item reflects the discount.

Let's see some of them:
"Mixed Turquoise #n208" for $22.40

"Fire Quartz Pendant p153" for $14.40

"Feminine Flowers Bracelet #B133" for $13.60

To make a purchase or to see more items, please visit TWO TOOTSIES

Remember to support handmade - buy handmade!!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Multi strand necklace - Ink and Pink

I am really liking these multi strand necklaces with the one random strand.

It has an elegant feel, is bold, but light. I like that you can just pile on the seed beads for a bulky look and not have to sacrifice your neck with all the weight. The only thing that was thought out in this whole design was the focal. I wanted it to be in that exact spot - other than that, it just happened.

I gave this to my sister in law. She is one of my biggest fans.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer Fun

I am not ready to let go of summer :)

I had that little focal for a while. Just a little plastic textured star with a tiny purple flaw. Embrace the flaw I say, and use it to bring the design together.

4 separate strands -
One of random beads from the Designer collection (this was a close out deal, but you should see their bead assortments!! ) at Rings & Things
One of seed bead - peridot - from Michaels
One of seed beads - lilac (Michales), with added dyed crazy lace agate coins from Sedona Stones
And the last of light blue seed beads and the strand woven thru the design to give it a floating feel.

This piece thrills me - It is so fun to wear, and a real mood lifter!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

List of Fun Give Aways and Contests

While strolling the interwebs today, I ran across a lot of fun stuffs and thought I would share them with you today.


The Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table and Dreaming is giving away a Just Jewelry necklace

Messie Bessie is giving away an adorable amethyst and green gemstone hand made ring!

Silly Eagle Books is having a give away to promote her sister's hand made jewelry!

Fun Favors has linked to BuySomeLove where they are giving away some danty beautiful blue rose earrings.

Mama Buzz is giving away a $60 value of Alexa’s Angels jewelry line - Hurry, she is drawing tomorrow!!!!

Thrifty Wifey is giving away a winners choice of any one piece of Domaine Ltd Fashion jewelry!

Here is a great site for one stop shopping for giveaways - GiveAwayScout - 137 pages of give aways, from Fashion to Gardening to Cooking - you name it, they have a link to someone giving it away.


2010 Pattern Play Challenge
Beadwork's Pattern Play Challenge is back and it's your turn to play along!

It's simple: Pick a pattern (be it from nature, your favorite shirt, a piece of scrapbooking paper, or another source) and make a project inspired by it! The three editors' choice winners and the most unique interpretation of pattern will be featured on; all qualified entries will be posted on Beadwork's Facebook fan page. The editors' choice winners will also be featured in an upcoming issue of Beadwork. To enter, e-mail us a high-quality JPEG (about 1MB) that includes your creation and the pattern swatch that inspired it to by August 12.
Complete Rules Here
Deadline: August 12, 2010

Stringing Challenge "Let's Go to the Movies"
Send an image of a stringing or simple wirework project that fits the theme.
Complete Rules

Sponsor: Stringing
Deadline: August 6, 2010

Artisan Search 2011
Be recognized as an artist in one of five categories, including mixed media jewelry.
Complete Rules
Sponsor: Cloth Paper Scissors
Deadline: September 13, 2010

The Art and Design of Metal Clay Jewelry Calendar 2011
Seeking images to feature in the next annual calendar, The Art and Design of Metal Clay Jewelry 2011. All jewelry forms - necklaces, rings, bracelets, earrings, brooches, and others will be considered. Submit June 15, 2010 - Aug 15, 2010

For my friends Down Under

Australian Beading Magazine is having a Competition Craziness! So many different choices to enter! Hurry - Entries close on August 11, 2010

Monday, August 2, 2010

August Give Away! (Closed)

August give away time!!!

This month I am doing a custom pendant. You are involved in the process with your input on color, stones and design!

How do you enter? Being that it is time for is back to school - Tell me what was your favorite subject in school!! That is all!

Want to be entered ...again? Share it on your blog, Facebook or Twitter (let me know you did) and get an extra entry for each!! How easy is that!!!

Will draw the winner on August 9, 2010!!

Good luck kids!