
Monday, August 2, 2010

August Give Away! (Closed)

August give away time!!!

This month I am doing a custom pendant. You are involved in the process with your input on color, stones and design!

How do you enter? Being that it is time for is back to school - Tell me what was your favorite subject in school!! That is all!

Want to be entered ...again? Share it on your blog, Facebook or Twitter (let me know you did) and get an extra entry for each!! How easy is that!!!

Will draw the winner on August 9, 2010!!

Good luck kids!


  1. I think my favorite subject was biology. I always loved nature and everything. Oh, and I shared you giveaway on facebook.

  2. Hi there! Are you back? I am so glad, hope you are well! I LOVE that aqua pendant!! I'm not sure I had a favorite subject in my earlier years. My degree is in the social services field and I really enjoyed learning about human relations and development. However, I am currently in a positive thinking/law of attraction class in my middle years and LOVE it! Too much info? :)

  3. English and sewing were my favourites. Glad your back and hope all is well with you. I'm tweeting you.

  4. @Kokopelli - I LOVED biology
    @Lisa - isn't law of attraction the best life skill anyone can have?
    @Davinia - my English teacher is the reason I am such an avid reader - thanks for the tWeet!

  5. Great giveaway! I am a teacher now so I still love school and all the subjects. When I was a kid in school, I liked all the subjects then too. I'm off in the summer but looking forward to starting back soon.

  6. My favorite was Home Ec. I loved my teacher. She was young and fun and very creative. I learned so much that I have used throughout my life.

    I just tweeted your giveaway!

    Glad you're back!

  7. Glad to see you're back, Tish! My fave was English, hands down. Any class that encouraged me to read, read, read, was all right by me!

  8. I just blogged about it, too!

  9. Hmm, my favourite subject would have been Swedish and English.
    Man I hope I win this time!

  10. Welcome back! I wish I could say that my favorite subject was Art, but alas, my school did not offer it:( I did however enjoy Psychology and my teacher was totally cool.

  11. Definitely English literature. I still read the classics, this time just for pleasure. :)

    tnshadylady at

  12. I shared this on my FB page tnshadylady

  13. tweeted

  14. My favorite subject was science!! Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your pieces.
