
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Peek Inside My Booth - Holiday Style

Over the weekend I did a local Holiday Show. I wanted my space to have a more holiday/festive look to it. Here is what I did

Christmas wreath on the front of the table - two reasons -One because my table cover didn't come to the ground, and two - you see it right as you walked in the door.

I utilized the window sill to display my Bead Trends boards (couldn't hang anything from the wall.) The boards show submissions to Bead Trends magazine. It is something that customers like to see, and oh how do I want to validity to my work? It doesn't mean that my work is any more better than anyone elses, I just want it to show, I am serious about my work - does that make sense?

Here is a view of one of the tables. I like to show my SRAJD Certificate. Again - it shows I am serious about my work. My friend gave me the bracelet display, it works great for my copper bracelets.

I like things to be off center - I think it catches the eye - what do you think?

I am so proud of my logo. My friend Nelson designed this for me, actually he surprised me with it. I knew I didn't have the skills to do something of this nature, and knew I was going to have to hire someone. He is a huge fan of my work and encourages me all the time. I asked him one day - "I need to hire someone to make me a logo - What do you charge?" He didn't give me an answer, but said, "let's talk about what you are needing and we'll go from there." So I tried to think, what would I want, what would I need to set me apart, so that when people see my logo they say, Oh yeah!! Couple weeks later, I get an email from Nelson with this in it. I cried. I never once told him what I wanted. He did this all on his own from what he knows about me and about my jewelry. I cried.

The earring board turned out nice I think. Eye catching and fun

I took a couple spools of copper and a few beads to keep myself busy. While standing around thru the day, I made this bracelet.

I put it on the table, and 5 minutes later it was sold!

I am glad I had my camera with me to document it!

How do you set up your displays? Do you think less is more? Do you like more color, more texture? I would love to know!


  1. your stall look lovely! i like the earring board

  2. Tish,

    I do think that with a jewelry display that less is more, it can quickly become overwhelming for the customer's eyes to rest on any one item and they move on without considering anything.

    When I set up a sales display in my community art club they provide wonderful black, wrinkle-free table covers designed for their tables. I have purchased black sheets to drape over small to medium size boxes on top of the table covers. I like to have a few different levels to display the jewelry. All of my busts, bracelet racks, etc. are black so it all looks unified and lets the jewelry be the stars of the show.

    We are having a show this coming weekend where I will display both my artisan jewelry as well as my watercolor paintings. I will try to take a photo and send to you so you can see my display. I think it looks quite classy, if I do say so myself!

  3. It looks fantastic and your earring board is inspired. Wonderful to be able to glance at all the designs instead of fossicking through a basket of earring packets (a la my effort. Hope it was a successful show for you.

  4. Oh I love it! It makes me miss doing shows, it was great fun and great energy! Happy Thanksgiving my friend!!:)
