Friday, December 31, 2010

A Year in Review!! Rings & Things

This week I am re posting some of my favorite blog posts and linking back to some of yours!

A year in review!

What is going on over at Rings & Things? Rings & Things blog is jam packed with tips, hints, sales, promotions, reviews, products and so much more!!!

If you need the skinny on beads - this is the place!!!

A Year in Review!! Deez News!

This week I am re posting some of my favorite blog posts and linking back to some of yours!

A year in review!

What is going on over at Deez News?

I am a huge fan of her work and her talent. I love the color and texture combinations she uses. My hero :)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Year in Review! Be~Jeweled by jana

This week I am re posting some of my favorite blog posts and linking back to some of yours!

A year in review!

What is going on over at Jana's blog? I had never seen or heard of crocheted jewelry till I found her blog - I am 'hooked'!!

A Year In Review!!! Blog for Beaders!

The rest of the week, I am going to re post some of my favorite posts, and also link back to some of yours!!

A little stroll down memory lane to finish out the year!

What is going on over at A Blog For Beaders?? is a great resource for projects, inspirations, sales, promotions, artist showcasing, supplies, sweepstakes and so much more!!! Bookmark this one!

A Year In Review!!! ammjewelry

This week I am re posting some of my favorite blog posts and linking back to some of yours!

A year in review!

What is going on over at ammjewelry - Adventures with Millie Making Jewelry???
I love her work and her eclectic style.

A Year In Review! Shell Pearl Pendant Design - Rings & Things Blogger Challenge

This week I am re posting some of my favorite blog posts and linking back to some of yours!

A year in review!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It came about more or less like a flash in my brain. I was curled up in my recliner watching a terrible movie, rolled over and thought I would take a nap before work (having a hard time getting going this morning) As SOON as I closed my eyes this image flashed. My eyes shot open, I leapt from my chair and dashed to my work table.

I bent the 14 ga wire around the shell pearl just to get a rough 'fit' and then hammered the copper wire to strengthen it and to texture it so the 22 ga wire when wrapped would 'bite'.

I started at the top and made a few wraps and added a pearl. These little fresh water pearls are not perfect. I embraced that in the design and didn't make the wraps perfect either.

Now, there is the dilemma of the long pearl. It is not drilled. What am I going to do with it? There was a slight divot in the middle of the pearl, perfect to hold the wire for a wrap and not allow the pearl to slide thru. I went with it :)

Here is what I used:
29-555-10-901 Bead, Shell Pearl, Round, 10mm (Brown Mix) *
29-555-16-901 Bead, Shell Pearl, Round, 16mm (Brown Mix)*
Random freshwater pearls *
47-402-SP 14 ga copper wire
47-406-SP 22 ga copper wire
swarovski crystals

Slid it on a long piece of leather, threw it on with a black sweater and out the door I went. I had some fun this morning (so much fun I was late for work) making this pendant. Thanks Dave and Thanks Rings & Things!!!

What did you create today?!?!

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Rings & Things were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blog Partner Program. These items are for review or design purposes. Find out more about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Year in Review! Come Make A Ring With Me!! -Tutorial

The rest of the week, I am going to re post some of my favorite posts, and also link back to some of yours!!

A little stroll down memory lane to finish out the year!

Monday April 19, 2010
I wanted a ring to go with the earrings I was wearing this morning, and when I started to make it, I thought I would share the process with you!

I used 22 ga copper wire from Rings & Things and 5 tumbled sleeping beauty turquoise chips.

Cut a piece of wire 11 inches long. (as you can see I am back to my old messy habits......)

I chose these chips for my focal

Find the middle of the wire and slide on several of the chips depending on the size you want.

Use a ring mandrel to get the correct size for your ring. I wear 8 1/2 - so I want to start my ring 1 full size up from that. Place the middle of the wire with your beads on the 9 1/2 mark on the ring mandrel.

Wrap the wire from front to back, and then bring the ends back around to the front again.

Take the wire on the left and go under the focal and up to the right, and the right wire over the top of the focal and down to the left.

Repeat this step again - left, under, up right - right, over, down left. Depending on the length of the tail, you can do this step several times.

Remove the ring from the mandrel and wrap the tail of the wire down the shank of the ring. Clip the excess after 6 or 7 wraps, or just take it on down til you have finished with the wire. Repeat with the other side.

This is where the magic happens. Now when you slide the ring back on the mandrel - it is a full size smaller!!! I use a dead blow hammer and beat the band of the ring to strengthen it without mashing it.

And there is my new little sleeping beauty!!!

Once you learn the basics you can go crazy and make all different kinds!!!
One of my favorites is the one I made on with the 28-335-15 Lampwork 'calavera' skull bead from Rings & Things! I would love to see what you've made!!!

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Rings & Things were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blog Partner Program. These items are for review or design purposes. Find out more about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program

A Year in Review! Ahtee's Blog

This week I am re posting some of my favorite blog posts and linking back to some of yours!

A year in review!

What is going on over at Ahtee's Blog? I have loved following her blog and watching her thought processes.

This pair of earrings in particular caught my eye - I had to buy them :)

Year in Review - A Bead A Day!

This week I am re posting some of my favorite blog posts and linking back to some of yours!

A year in review!

What is going on over at A Bead A Day? Lisa makes a beautiful bracelet of faceted glass and the Soft Flex Trios that she won!

A beautiful spring bracelet - something to look forward to with the winter I am having :)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Year in Review! Not Nanny's Necklace - Rings & Things Shell Pearls

The rest of the week, I am going to re post some of my favorite posts, and also link back to some of yours!!

A little stroll down memory lane to finish out the year!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010 Yesterdays post was about the great blogger package I received from Rings & Things.

When I saw these beads it made me go back in time 40 years. Sitting at my Grandmothers (Nanny's) vanity, brushing my hair and putting on her jewelry.

Remember these?

I had so much fun playing with her jewelry. She would dab lipstick on my lips and tell me to 'pinch my cheeks for color'. I thought I was a movie star.

I wanted to play with these beads and do something that reminded me of Nanny and was trendy at the same time. I re purposed a vintage necklace and gold tone rings from a pair of old earrings to go with the 'theme'.

It is a fun and random representation of old and new, classic and abstract.

Not your Nanny's Necklace

More to come!

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Rings & Things were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blog Partner Program. These items are for review or design purposes. Find out more about the Rings & Things Blog Partner Program

Monday, December 27, 2010

Wonderful Handmade Christmas!

I just had to show off what Jo made me for Christmas!
We had vowed to do a Hand made Christmas - so it either had to be handmade by us - or by someone else. Doing the shop local, shop hand made theme

Jo went above and beyond. I am so thrilled.

She buys me hoodies on a regular basis - I live in them. This year - she made me a monster hoodie :) (that is her in the picture)

A J.A.T. tote!!!!!!!! Omg i love this thing!!!

A decorative scarf. I have to buy a blazer to wear it on.

James even got in on the spirit of things and is out in his workshop finishing up my present...what could it be!?!?!

I hope you had a great Christmas kids!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Copper Necklace with African Bloodstone Set

Jo got her package in the mail and couldn't wait for Christmas to open it. In that package was a set I made her. Now that she has opened it, I can post it :)

I did some browsing online, looking for what is 'in' right now and did a mash up of several different designs. This is what I came up with.

I made the copper chain the focal. I love this big chain and it is surprisingly light. I added African bloodstone, shell pearls, swarovski crystals, and amazonite chips, copper spacers and beadcaps as the accents. I have had these shell pearls and bloodstones since JUNE!!!! I got them when the Rings & Things Bead Show came to town. Bloodstone is her favorite, and I had never seen the African variety. I was very excited! This is a first for me, keeping a secret that long :)

Close up of the grouping

Wire wrapped the stones, added swarovski dangles, and made hand wound links to finish off the bracelet.

Wire wrapped the top of the bead.....these beads are slick, and it was a bit of a chore to get the wrap just right, for that controlled sloppy that I look for.

Jo had her Christmas early and I hope yours is full of joy and happiness!!

Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

New Copper Pendants!

Found some time to make a couple pendants yesterday, thought I would share em here.

African bloodstone bead

This is a quartz - what kind I am not for sure. It is a top drilled pendant, so I just made a huge wrap at the top and added a swirl and seed beads for accent.

This one is a basket weave for lack of better words. I don't know what this style is called. This one is surprisingly easy, but time consuming. I thought I would try and break it down for you.

Create your loop or bale at the top of the wire, and then measure it around the cab. Lay the cab on your table, and measure the wire around the cab, slightly above where it is touching the surface. Make a wrap with the tail to secure it to the bale.

Turn the cab over. Make a loop at the end of the wire, and now measure the wire around the inside edge of the cab, and make a loop on the other end of the wire.

Use wire to connect the loops, to stabilize the base wire. (1) Wrap some wire around the base to stabilize the bottom of pendant (2) You will remove these as you work thru the piece

Start on one side (1) and begin your wrap. Wrap several times around the loop on the wire back then bring it over the top wire, and then back under the bottom wire - making a figure 8. You can do single wraps or make additional wraps on the top wire to space out the figure 8. EX. Two wraps on the top wire, down and under the bottom wire, two wraps, up and over the top wire, two wraps and so forth. Make several wraps to stabilize the one side, and use a second piece of wire and start on the other side. (2) Work your way down either side, alternating to keep the wires even and tight. If you want to add the decorative wire, (3) make a loop in a separate piece of wire. As you are working down the side of the pendant, position where you want your decorative piece to start, and when you wrap over the top wire, wrap over both pieces of wire. Then continue on with your figure 8. Leave the decorative wire til last.

Continue down both sides of the cab, until you get close to the bottom where you have anchored it. Clip the anchor wire off and continue with the figure 8 wrap til you meet at the bottom. Finish the wrap by wrapping it around the bottom wire a couple of times and giving it a good mash with your needle nosed pliers. Remove the anchor wire from the back of the pendant

Free form your your decorative wire, around the top. You can wire wrap the wire to give it extra texture, wire in crystals to the loops, the possibilities are endless.

I hope this gives you some insight on how to do this wrap. If this is clear as mud, leave me a comment, I'll wrap another one, and do step by step pictures.

Happy Wrapping!!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Just sayin' Hello

Hey kids!

This holiday season has been hectic with parties, family, decorating, cooking and oh, yeah - work :)
I haven't done much on the jewelry front and have been itching to. Have a few ideas sketched out and want to get into the studio and get crackin!

Intergalactic Bead Shows are coming to Raleigh for the first time in Jan, and I can't wait. Going to gather up the girls and check it out.

I hope you are enjoying the holiday season with friends or family, and enjoying the memories of the holidays past and making new memories this year.

Much love!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Be Prepared!!!

Is a little slow this week at work - so I came prepared:)

Have a great day!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The White Heron Art Gallery

I am just stupid with excitement.

I was picked up by The White Heron Art Gallery in Dunn, NC!

I did a show a while back in Dunn, one I do every year, and a woman approached me, commenting on my jewelry. She had on a delicious necklace and I asked her if she made it. She says 'No, this is one of my artists - I have a gallery - I would love to see some of your pieces in my gallery"

My jaw dropped. I was approached...someone approached me....
This is how I felt -

Today I took her 50 pieces to have a selection to choose from - she took them all and wants more!

The White Heron is a quaint little gallery located on Cumberland Street in the 'Corbett House' for those of you who are familiar with Dunn. Adelaide Page, the owner of The White Heron says - "My goal is to showcase all forms of art - not just one" and she sure does. When you walk in the doors, you see the rooms filled with various types of art using many mediums and styles. It's designed to showcase all styles of art - both 2D and 3D. Each piece is as unique as the artists who created them. There is something to please just about every taste imaginable!

Adelaide, herself and artist, but only recently. Adelaide didn't begin painting until 2005. She took a painting class with her friend as 'something to do' and fell in love with the experience. Now an accomplished artist she has much to be proud of. Her third painting (ever) - a Great White Egret, was selected to hang in the main offices of the N.C. Community College system for a year. Soon after, it hung in the N.C. Dept of Insurance main conference room at the head of the conference table for another year. Two days after she picked it up from the Dept. of Insurance, she sold it! Recently, the painting, "I can't believe I Ate the Whole Thing", hung at the main offices of the N.C. Community College system for a year and was also on display in Clayton during June, 2010.

I have got to get busy and get more inventory done - I am doing the market this weekend!!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What a surprise!!! My daughter RAWKS!

I had a big box waiting on me when i got home from work last nite. I knew Jo had sent me a package because she said i had to be on the phone with her when I opened it, but I didn't realize it would be that big!

So what was in the box?!!?!? She sent me a box of wonderful hand made love!!!! Pillows she made from place mats. Hand towels she sewed bits of Christmas fabric on. Pre cut wooden ornaments, panted and sparkley. A bear and penguin ornament, she made from polymer clay....(she showed me pictures of the first attempt when she used the wrong clay - they melted everywhere - it was so funny) Hand quilted place mats, made by Grandma. She made sweatshirts and coffee mugs for all of us as well - too funny. She also found a Christmas card she made when she was 8, a Big Bird ornament she painted, and one of my favorite decorations, a carousal from Hallmark.

This was as much a prank as it was heart felt. All of this work, because I am decorating for Christmas this year. I normally don't because there is never anyone home. Jo used to always go and see my parents for Christmas and James would go and see his, leaving me at home, because I always had to work. Well this year, James is going to stay home. But now the cun-none-drum - Jo has all of my Christmas decorations!!! I was going to have to start over. Last week I was at the Dollar Store and she called. She got an earful of me just bitching that I have to re buy all of this stuff. I had decided to start small, and get a few things and then after Christmas hit the sales.

I talked to her over Skype while I opened the box and went thru it's contents. We screamed and laft and had the best time!!!

So you see, my daughter rawx!!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas lampwork beads from Rings & Things!!!

A few weeks ago on Rings & Things Facebook page - they asked -

How do you finish this sentence? (No pressure on your FB friends + loved ones!)
"For a holiday gift, I hope for __________ from Rings & Things."

Well of course I answered, my input is important :)

And lo and behold I get a message from Dave - saying, "Thanks for playin' along, am gonna send you a goodie bag"

I squealed!!!! How fun is that! Just a little bit of participation with one of my favorite suppliers and they reward that with a goodie bag!

Love these and need to add these to your 'stash'?
Get em here!
28-333-73 - Bead, Glass, Christmas Penguin (Limited Stock) (Black/ White)

- Bead, Glass, Christmas Tree (Limited Stock) (Green)

28-333-59 - Bead, Glass, Christmas Tree (Limited Stock) (Green/ Red/ White)

28-333-67-091 - Bead, Glass, Gingerbread Man (Limited Stock) (Brown)

28-333-67-211 - Bead, Glass, Gingerbread Man (Limited Stock) (Red)

28-333-60 - Bead, Glass, Mint Candy (Limited Stock) (Green/ Red/ White)

28-333-74 - Bead, Glass, Round Snowman Head (Limited Stock) (White)

28-333-62 - Bead, Glass, Santa Hat (Limited Stock) (Red/ White/ Green)

- Bead, Glass, Penguin (Limited Stock) (Black/ White)

28-333-61 - Bead, Glass, Santa with Gift (Limited Stock) (Red/ White/ Black)

28-333-71 - Bead, Glass, Snowflake Mittens, Assorted (Limited Stock) (Assorted)

28-333-43 - Bead, Glass, Stocking (Limited Stock) (Red/ White)

28-333-70 - Bead, Glass, Christmas Mittens (Limited Stock) (Red)

28-333-69 - Bead, Glass, Christmas Stocking (Limited Stock) (Green/ Red)

28-333-72 - Bead, Glass, Christmas Teddy Bear (Limited Stock) (Brown)

Do you see how cute! All these little lampwork beads, and just in time for Christmas! I am going to have so much fun with this, and I have an idea already in my head - can't wait to get home and play.

Don't miss out on any great deals, or any of the fun at Rings & Things. See what they have going on at Their Blog, On Facebook and on Twitter

You won't be disappointed!

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Rings & Things were provided as a promotional gift. These items are for review or design purposes.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Do you know Kyanite?

This is one of my all time favorites. Maybe it is the blue, maybe it is the properties, maybe it is the texture in the stone, maybe it is all of the above, but I can say, kyanite makes my heart happy.

The name kyanite comes from the Greek word kuanos sometimes referred to as "kyanos", meaning deep blue.

I this from a rockhounds blog -
Outside of Philadelphia, behind a baseball field in an old early suburban areas, Kyanite of a very decent quality can be obtained. But don’t forget to bring your rubber gloves! ...Read More

How fun would it be to do this!!!!

Kyanite is a gemstone that does not accumulate negative energies, so it never needs to be cleansed. It is also known to bring tranquility and calm. Along with this, it is said to promote the ability to speak more easily and express oneself more clearly, and will even assist in learning a new language.

If you are in a position where you are required to speak, i.e. lecture, present, etc. you would benefit from kyanite!

I combined the kyanite with citrine for a double dose of blocking negativity - how can you go wrong :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

More in the Jo Jo Collection

My daughter has sent me several images of the jewelry she likes and always asks - "Can you make this?" What I have noticed is the use of ribbon in so many pieces. I didn't have ribbon, but I have a ton of fabric.

I cut a thin piece of fabric and 'distressed' it to use it for the accent of this piece. I had some earrings I was going to re purpose - they were a perfect match!

It is fun and trendy and youthful. I don't intend to grow up, so I may wear it too!

Sometimes while I am making a new piece, it will remind me of a person. This reminded me of my daughter. She loves a non traditional piece that will go with everything, or even more fun, clash with EVERYTHING! She loves her accessories to make a statement.

I had that pendant for ever and finally got around to working it into a piece. It is daring with the asymmetrical design and the mixing of copper and sterling.

This one is a lot of fun

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What a Surprise!! - Deez News

What a surprise when I went to the mailbox and found a package addressed to me. What a thrill it was when I saw who it was from!!!

Davinia from over at Deez News!!!! She had slipped a package in the mail with a few goodies for me for my birthday. I was in tears.

I am a huge fan of her work, no wait... I think it goes beyond fan and over into hero worship. The way she thinks and combines and creates and.... you get it don't you?!!

In this package was a necklace that I ADORE!! I hot listed it on and also put it on my Amazon wish list. Did you know you could do that on ArtFire? Yes you can!! What are you waiting for??!?!?

Am just a bit manic right now and all over the place, please forgive me - but the excitement has got me!!!!

Look what she sent me!!!!

This necklace makes me swoon! Two beautiful pendants, two matching pendants - mebbe earrings and that LOVELY shawl brooch. OMG! I have the perfect hand crocheted poncho to wear it on. These are so fun, because I will make something for ME with these!!! What a treat!

I love her work and what she does with polymer clay! I am always hinting she needs to sell them as well on ArtFire as accessories. I would be a customer!

If you haven 't stopped by her studio, Back Pocket Designs, please do. There is so much color and texture and trendy hotness. She really has a handle on what's what. Stop by her blog - Deez News and get to know her. She is funny and warm and brilliant - you'll not be disappointed!

Thank you Davinia - you have made my year!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

ArtFire Wed. Collection - Turkey Time!!!!