
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Memory Wire Choker

Leigh sent me a picture of a bracelet that she wanted me to try and make -

So cute with that little ribbon tied onto it. It is from Old Navy. It is an elastic bracelet

*insert Psycho theme* *We we we we we we we we we*

I can't tie a knot!!!

So I thought, I'll do it with memory wire. I used some Bead a Lon memory wire I had (I don't recommend this brand for memory wire, it stretches and will not hold it's shape) and for the sake of the experiment, I thought I would give it a try.

The agate beads were too heavy and it would hang off the wrist. There was no way you could functional wear this as a bracelet.

*think* *think*

What about a choker. I tried it on - IT FIT PERFECT!!!

Front view

Back veiw

This is a real fun design, and so easy to wear!

There never is a real failure is there - always an opportunity to learn something new!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Custom Pendant - Feldspar and Lapis

Friend of mine ordered a custom pendant and asked for a specific meaning. They wanted something that would allow the wearer to let go of the past and move forward.

I chose feldspar and copper.
Feldspar - assists in detaching from the old. It also provides support in issues of self awareness and self love.

Lapis - allows relief from what has been pressed into the mind, providing objectivity, clarity and endurance during release of emotional baggage.

The copper spiral at the top allows for the emotions to spiral into the feldspar and be moved out through the lapis.

I love this combination, I may have to make one for myself!

I had a little extra time this morning and made some fun little hair decorations.
They are not meant to hold the hair back, but more to just be a decoration at a base of a pony tail, or tucked in around an 'up do'

I am going to have to find some bobby pins that are not painted. All of the paint chipped off while I was working on them, and they are, as my daughter would say - 'Jenk'. So I'll keep this prototype for myself, and make better ones to sell.

Have a great day kids!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Fun

Remember the hoodie that Jo made me for Christmas?

You know I wear it everyday :)

I got to playing with some ideas, and have made a couple others.

Cthuhlu - Destroyer of Worlds!!!

Everyone should have beautiful braids!!

The two guys in the photos (sorry taken with cell phone) actually ordered the hoodies, and wear them with pride :)

I have great friends!!!

Happy Monday!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Question for you

How do you stay organized?
How do you stay on track?
Do you have a daily schedule that you stick to, or do you wing it each day?
What tools do you use?
Do you set goals?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Something from the Heart

You know I think my daughter is the coolest, it isn't something I am humble about, and this just proves it.

I got home from work last nite, and had an envelope from The Jo.

*think* *think*

What ever could she be sending me. I opened the envelope and out fell all of these funny little cards. Some with memories, some with sayings, and some with drawings. I giggled and giggled as I read thru each one.

One says -
"Someone is stealing from me" - we say this when we misplace something. We could never be absent minded and loose something - oh no - someone stole it from me!

A drawing of -
"Pengin Party" - I love penguins (I pronounce it pengin) What a better party than with a bunch of pengins!!!

And so many more!

Just this funny little gesture did so much for me. Lifted my spirits, energized me, gave me focus, all of this because someone thought of me, and sent me a laff.

I am going to laminate them, and glue magnet strips to the back and hang them on my ice box.

It is so true how it is not the gift, but the thought behind the gift that leaves a lasting impression on us.

Are you thinking of someone? Have you had someone heavy on your heart lately? Scrawl them out a silly little picture of a funny memory you had with them, and pop it in the mail - it will cost you your time, and the price of a stamp but it will be worth so much more!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

ArtBeads Winter Enchantment Fun

More fun with the ArtBeads Design Partner group!

This challenge is Winter Enchantment. These two words alone bring up so many ideas for me. Just for fun I did a Google image search for the words "Winter Enchantment". Stunning landscapes covered in snow, cozy cottages tucked away on a snowy blanketed mountain sides, fairies, Christmas and this:

Winter Enchantment: Love by Wild Rain 73 at Deviant Art - I love it!

I thought what would she wear as she strolled through the forest. Is she looking for her love? Did her love give her a token of their affection, and if they did, what would it look like?

That was the inspiration behind my choices.

Starting at 12 o'clock:

R-RQTZ-NUG11 - 5x11mm Irradiated Quartz Modulars *
GTOG-023 - 20mm Bluino Boro Glass Toggle Clasp * ( I LOVE THIS!!!!)
TBRD6-288 - TOHO Bead Round 6/0 Colonial Grey-Line *
CR-RL137 - 5x4mm Opaline Picasso Roundel Bead Strand *
SW-BD173 - Stoneware Round Spacer - White Smooth *
DRUKS-LS-TUR6 - Druk Bead 6mm Turquoise Luster *
R-WHAG-SQ12 - 12mm White Agate Square Bead Strand shipped *
DRUKS-LS-LBL6 - Druk Bead 6mm Light Blue Luster *

I had to try one of those glass toggles. They are some of the neatest things I have seen. I have some concern of them breaking, but then again, I would not put them in a piece that would be a 'constant worn' piece. The Picasso roundels, are one of my favorite choices from ArtBeads. They come in so many colors, and are the perfect compliment to any piece.

ArtBeads had so many choices for so many projects. What would you choose to make a Winter Enchantment themed piece?

What else is going on at ArtBeads?? Follow them on Facebook for fun promotions, tips, tutorials, coupon codes, and inspirations!!

Enter for a trip to Tucson!!!

*FTC compliance disclosure: the '*' items mentioned in this post credited to Art Beads were provided as a promotional gift as part of the Blogging for Beaders Program. These items are for review or design purposes.

Friday, January 14, 2011

2011 Winter Beading Contest from

2011 Winter Beading Contest
Beading Contest
Welcome to our Third Annual Beaded Impressions Beading Contest. There will be 4 prizes worth a total of $700 awarded, including $200 Gift Certificates to each of the First Place winners in our contest categories. Last year's event received more than 120 entries, and thousands of voters participated in selecting the winners.

This year's contest includes two categories: Beaded Jewelry or Beadwork. Anyone can submit a single entry into one of the two categories. The Beaded Jewelry Category may any type of jewelry - earrings, necklaces, etc. The Beadwork Category may include any type of beadwork project. Both categories require the use of beads of some type and may also include other materials.
We want LOTS of people to enter and participate in the voting, so we'll be providing a coupon for a 15% discount to all entrants. All voters will also receive a discount coupon!

Find out more here!!

Good luck kids!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Do You Know Craft Gawker?

I ran across some information a couple of weeks ago about Craft Gawker. A great place to showcase your work, and now, even link back to your blog!

and - FREE!!

It is a great way to get your work out there, and drive traffic to your blog or site.

Taken from their About page -

Craftgawker is a gallery where anyone can showcase their art, crafting and photography skills. It's a place for you to discover new artists and handmade goods to inspire your own creations. Anyone can submit pictures, if they follow our simple site rules...
  1. Attribution is MANDATORY! Do not steal other people's pictures!
  2. Do not violate anyone's copyright! Any post with violations will be removed immediately. Let us know if your photo was mistakenly posted.
  3. Registration is required to post pictures.
  4. Post beautiful, well-balanced, craft related photos.
  5. Photos are cropped to 250 pixels by 250 pixels.
  6. We reserve the right to remove posts at any time.
  7. Submissions are moderated.

Right now, we're accepting images from select websites, such as blogs and flickr, as long as there is some content associated with the image, i.e. no photo only pages.

craftgawker is a spin-off of our food gallery, foodgawker. Come visit foodgawker if you want some cooking inspiration. If you have any questions, please use the contact form to get in touch or leave us a comment with your thoughts, ideas, recommendations. Thanks!

I can't get my pictures right - that is something I have never been good at, so alas all of my submissions have been declined. But I will continue to submit and I will prevail!!

Good luck kids!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

And the winner is..........

Hey kids - I spaced about the day - and am a day late in drawing the name - so to make up for it - the winner gets two, yes TWO pairs of earrings!!!!

Who's name did I draw???

The Colour Couture!!!!

Congratulations!!!! I'll contact you to find out what color you want wrapped with your new copper earrings!!

Thanks for playing!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Teal Items for Auction - Ovarian Cancer Awareness

This was a more difficult project than I had expected. I sat at my computer table - with a movie on in the background and tried to get lost in this endeavor.

And I sat......

Nothing was coming. Nothing was inspiring. Nothing was happening.

I thought about Jill. This wasn't her first bout with cancer. She was a survivor. I remember in 2007, Jill had to have a round of chemo, and she was worried about, well what we all worry about, losing our hair. She was a school teacher, and as her hair thinned, could she handle all of the questions and stares, and how would she explain she was loosing her hair to her kids?

I didn't want her to feel alone, and those who know me, know, hair is an accessory. It will either turn loose or turn gray, but until it does, it is mine to do with as I please. So in solidarity, I shaved my head.

I kept my head shaved for months, not just a one time deal. Bic'n my head twice a day, to keep it smooth, and rubbing it with tea tree oil to sooth my psoriasis that protested to each scrape of the blade. I wasn't going to leave her alone.

I thought about this, and I thought about, how she wore wigs, fun wigs, pink and purple as a 'just because' while her hair was short and thin. Like I said, she was a survivor.

As I thought about these stories and the memories I have of her, the ideas began to roll in. Let me tell you why I made the choices for beads that I did. I chose the fair trade beads, because of their colors and because fair trade empowers people - Jill quality. The fair trade beads are from Kakar Jewelry.

I chose the apatite for it's properties - Apatite is a stone that mystically can stimulate the thoughts and ideas. It is said to increase intellect, imagination, and intuitive awareness. As a meditation or awareness tool It is said to help you maintain focus, learn, concentrate effectively, think clearly, and communicate better. As I said - Jill was a teacher, I can't think of a better stone.

And then pearls. Pearls attune the wearer to ebb and flow of life. They are calming and centering. They give purity and promote faith, charity, and integrity, truth and loyalty. Jill was a pearl. She had so many beautiful layers to who she was. She never hid any of them.

I designed two sets, hoping to please broader range of people. There is a 'statement' piece and a more subtle piece.

Set 1:

Set 2:

This was a tuff assignment. Needing them to be good enuff, needing to believe in myself, and my creations and need to believe they will cause an awareness.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Just a Peek - Working with teal

I am working on an auction piece to help raise money in memory of Jill McDermott. A memorial fund was established after she lost her battle with ovarian cancer by her husband Jon. Keeping in the awareness color of teal for ovarian cancer, I have this collection I am working with.

Two strands of pearls, two strands of apatite and several Fair Trade beads.

More to come.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Copper earrings - Opps!!! - Giveaway - CLOSED!

Leave a comment and tell me what the "oops" is and you will be entered in the drawing for a pair of earrings like these with your choice of color!!!! Doesn't matter where you are in the world, I want everyone to play!!

Link back from your blog - get another entry!

Tweet it - leave a link to your tweet - get another entry!

Facebook it - leave a link to your post - get another entry!!!

Drawing on Tues, Jan 11, 2011!!

Good Luck!!!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wishlist Thursday - Beadin Path Vintage Lucite

This is what I am drooling over today -

These are Vintage Lucite beads from Beadin Path. The description states:
Caramel Apple Red & Amber Mix Tube. Mixes will vary from tube to tube. Tube size is 1.25x5.5 inches, and approx. 94 grams of beads.

I am in a red mood - have been for a while. I am ready for summer and want to start designing for those hot summer nights.

How cute would these be scattered through a multi strand chain necklace, worn with a white v neck t-shirt dress........

Oh kids - I need some summer bad!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Year of Jewelry Project 2011

Have you heard of the newest project? The Year of Jewelry Project 2011 - "One piece per week, for a year".

This is a fun site/blog that challenges jewelry artists to create one piece of jewelry a week and post it on this group blog.

Weekly themes are provided to help with any creative block, or you can come up with your own.

I signed up and am waiting for my log in information. I am really excited about participating. You can come play too!!! Here is what you need to know about Getting Started.

Please note that to participate in the first quarter of this year, you can sign up through January 7 - there is still 2 more days!!! The next signup period is March 19-25, 2011.

Stop by and see the blog, and bookmark it. It could be fun to stop by once a week or so and see all the new designs.

Hope to see you there!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The Magic of Color!

When you are creating your designs - do you really stop and think about the colors you are using? Do you choose those colors 'because they go together' or do you think there is another meaning behind the them.

There is a science - a psychology - of color and how subconsciously it effects us. The choices of colors used by restaurants, on labels for groceries, on web sites, and even in your office were all carefully planned out to stimulate something in you to want that product, or to create a mood.

Color influences change from culture to culture, so I can only give examples of what I have found from studies done in the States

Black - Black can represent sophistication, elegance, mystery. Black can be overpowering and if used too much, can give a sinister feel. Black in clothing is seductive and thus will represent the same thing in many marketing materials even though it is only a mindful trigger and not a voiced one.

- White represents pure, purity, virgin, clean, youthful and mild. This is why white backgrounds work better than black backgrounds on a website. White has also been known to stimulate creativity - white boards, sheets of paper....

- Red creates excitement, displays strength, is used to express sex, passion, speed and danger. Use appropriately and it works extremely well. Red is a stimulant - which is why you see it often in fast food restaurants. You don't relax and hang around - you eat and get!

- When we think of green we associate with trees and grass. This brings up associations with nature, freshness, coolness. It also means growth and abundance. Money is green and we are automatically associating green with prosperity.

This is the most popular color. Why? Because it builds trust, reminds people of sky gazing/dreaming. Thus, builds trust, conveys reliability, a sense of belonging, refreshing and clean.

- Royal purple brings up pictures of royalty. Purple means spirituality and dignity as well. Maybe it means royalty because in nature the color purple is rare - like diamonds are rare and exquisite!

- We think of the sun and sunshine, its warmth, being cheerful and happy. Place it together with blue and thoughts of sitting on the beach or looking out over the ocean connect.

- Orange isn't used much in marketing. On a computer screen it looses its hue. When it is clearly visible that it is orange, it conveys playfulness, triggers child-like behavior -- great in workshops if you want to take people to that place, it also conveys warmth and vibrancy.

Just some food for thought - I will never look at color quite the same. How about you? How does color effect you?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Informaiton Mondays - What are Inchies??

I found a new term today to a new craft - Inchies. Ever heard of them?
I ran across them while promoting a new artist on the Crazy Train at

The artist today, Rozine creates digital images that can be used in Inchies.

What the tarnation is an inchie!?! I have to know and begin my search. Earliest mention I see of them is from 2006. So - wow - I am out of the loop:) How do I see them described? Miniature works of art or Tiny masterpieces. Some I have seen - a group of inchies, that combined in a collage, create a beautiful scene. They are used for many things, from magnets to jewelry to business cards to artist cards.

Here is an beautiful example of polymer clay inches from Craft

Fun blogs dedicated to inchies:
Inchie INKlings
Inchie Ideas

Fabric Inchie How to!!!
Inchies - Pink Chalk Studio
And also the inchie cousins - Rinchie, Twinchie and Moo's

I have seen them made from fabric, photos, paper, polymer clay - what ever you can squish, mold, cut, glue, sew, stamp, scan and stable into a square inch is game!!! What would you use?