It's not that I am not motivated - I am - really.
What I am not is organized.
Because I am not organized, I am making more work for myself. I bought storage tubs, and shelving - but I didn't organize my tubs. I just put things in the tubs, to get stuff off my work area, and clear my computer desk. When I want to start project, I have to dig thru tubs trying to find what components I want to use and get everything collected.
Now a lot of my problem is - I don't throw anything away. Everything can be used to create something..... right - scraps of colored paper, rubber bands, memory chips, washers, fishing lures, it all gets collected, and tubbed. (This is a complete contradiction for the rest of my house - I throw everything away)(strange bird I am)
In celebration of 'Get organized month' I am giving away stuff!!! I am doing stuff a little differently this time. I have three different categories I giving away from, supplies, stones, and jewelry. I will draw a name from the comments below and from my Facebook fan page - The winner can take it all or can choose what they want. If the first winner does not take the whole package- I will draw another name, and they same thing - they can take it all or part, which in turn I will draw one final name.
Here is a mess of stuff:
Beaded border
Copper bead caps
Copper end cones
Porcelain pendants
Glass pendants
Raspberry 'Quartz' glass beads
Stoneware beads
Coral strands
Mookaite strand

Or a grouping of tumbled stones that all share a creative property ( along with success )
Amazonite, citrine, carnelian, and howlite

OR!! A single wire, copper cuff, your choice of colors!

OMG HOW DO I GET IN ON THIS!!! I hear you say :)
1. Comment on this blog or on the Facebook note entry (or both:)(let me know)
2. Repost - blog or link back to this from your facebook page (let me know)
3. Tweet it (let me know)
That is five ways you can enter!!!
I'll even ad entries if you are creative and get the word out about this give away above and beyond what is listed here (let me know)
I'll be drawing the winner(s) name June 20, 2011
Good luck kids!!!!
*edit* - I have added more to the give away categories, can ya stand it!