
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bringin' the 90's Forward - Repurposed Necklace

 My brother and sister in law are two of my biggest fans. They oooh and ahhhh over all of my creations, I make jewelry for both of them, and they excitedly wear it and pass under the nose of everyone they meet. Too cute :) Lonnie was 'purging' her jewelry collection, so my brother thought it would be awesome to send the whole kit and kabodle to me. And what a pleasant mess it was :) One of my finds was these earrings. Lets all say it together - "The 90's called and they want their earrings back!" These are very light weight, clip on earrings that hang over 5 1/2"! I really never thought anything could be more over the top than most of the 80's styles, but the 90's did give them a run for their money :)

I have had these earrings set aside for some time, looking for inspiration. This last few weeks I have been gearing up for a gallery display, and the creative juices were flowing. I finally tackled this project, and think I came up with a necklace design, that is just as over the top as the earrings :)
Dyed quartz, porcelain, coral, mookaite, stoneware and garnet. It was a labor of love, it was a loving gift from my sister in law, it has hearts in the design, so I chose the stones and the colors that would compliment all of the love that went into the making of this design. 

Garnet is a stone of romantic love and passion,  It is said to bring positive thoughts and be excellent for manifestation and bringing abundance.

 Mookaite is a jasper, and jasper is a stone of gentleness and relaxation. It enhances one's ability to relax and brings tranquility, comforting, wholeness, healing, and gentle endings.

Coral attracts love and prosperity, particularly red coral, which is a stone of passion. Creativity and optimism are also qualities that coral brings out. Emotionally, coral brings inner peace, strength, and understanding of purpose.

Yellow is the color of confidence, joy, cheerfulness. Which I find fitting, because you would have to possess confidence to wear the earrings, and pulling that element of the design forward, you need confidence to wear this necklace! Get it Girl!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Lorelei Eurto Bohemian Inspired Jewelry Challenge Kit

New bead challenge from Beadin' Path and Lorelei Eurto!

Read more about what inspired the bead challenge at Lorelei's blog -  HERE

Good Luck!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

"Celtic Pearls" AKA, How do you name your pieces

I name most of my pieces, do you?

OK, now I am going to admit, there are times when  I am bulking up my inventory for a show that I just crank out simple designs, and really don't give them much thought. As much as I would LOVE to make all those funky over the top necklaces only, that isn't the taste of everyone. I don't want to be exclusive. I want to appeal to everyone. Sometimes the KISS rule is the best rule. :)

Then there are those special pieces, that take hours to make. The idea concept, the creation, the finished product. I feel like I have nurtured this piece along it's whole life, and now it is time for it to find it's own home with someone who will wear it and love it - wow - I am sounding a bit crazy here - but it is true! When I am creating this piece I take alot into consideration, the colors I use, the time of year it is, the time of day it is, the stones I use, the design, and a name comes from that. Does it work that way for you?

For example -

This started as a bracelet, but I couldn't stop adding the glass pearls. It felt to bulky to me when I wrapped it around my wrist to size it for a bracelet. I didn't want to remove any of the glass pearls, so what do I do with it - I know! Make it the focal of a necklace. Awesome.

How do I connect it to a necklace. Let's play with some copper. Great, now I have links, but what do I use to connect the links - the chain is too small, multi strands of chain take away from the focal - OH!! Hemp! Ok, now we got a real earthy feel, but there is too much symetry for my taste  - Oh, what is this I found? Sweet! Lamp work - add one random one to the mass.

Now lets name it - Well there are pearls. There is a really cool copper swirl, looks Celtic, the green in the lampwork reminds me of Ireland - holy cow - Celtic Pearls!!!!

This is the thought processes that go thru my mind as I work.

Do you find it important to have such a connection with your work, that it has a name?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tie Dye T Shirt Necklace How To

This is such a cute and EASY idea. The variations are endless.

I used a 2T shirt

Cut the band off the bottom

Cut the shirt across in strips. Thin or thick, each will give a variation in the look of the necklace

Drop the strips over your index fingers, like you are playing a string game :)

Now pull...PUlling will add a curl to the strips and lengthen them. If you cut the strips thin, don't pull too hard, they will break.  Sorry or the dark picture.

Now you have the focal for your necklace, add chain, beads, silk - you choose, and make your creation!!!

Soon I will show you what I make with the left over pieces of the shirt!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Spoonflower Giveaway!

Do you know Spoonflower?? Spoonflower is the coolest concept EVER!! You like fabric for your art? Browse their fabrics or create your design and have it printed.

Fabric printed on demand......CAH-RAZY!

Spoonflower is having a weekly give away on their blog - Click here

Leave a comment on their blog, or on their Facebook page to enter!! Click here

Good luck!

Is It Just Me

Do you clinch your teeth when you use your crimp tool?

Is it just me?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

2012 Fall Jewelry Trends

R.A.G. says - Spring has not even arrived, but in order to stay on top of fashion trends, anyone remotely interested in fashion has already started keeping track of fall 2012 trends.  Can you believe that Fashion Week in Milan just started?!  Fashionistas, designers, trend setters, reporters, bloggers, photographers, and everyone in between are ready to take notes.  Through previous fall 2012 runway shows, we’ve gathered a few 2012 fall jewelry trends for you to follow!  See rest of article here -

This is a real tuff one for me. I find I do re invent myself quite often, learning new techniques, or just trying to create outside of my comfort zone, but I still do my own thing. My pieces are still 'me'. I hate to think that the jewelry I love to wear goes in and out of style, like over sized sweat shirts and leotards, leopard print shoes, parachute pants, high wasted peg legged jeans, and hair spray :)

How do the trends influence your designs? Do you follow the trends, re inventing your style and designs?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lucite Petal Dangle Bracelet

It is the middle of August, and in my mind summer is over.

No Sir, I dont' like it.

I am not ready for it to be over - it has gone too quick. No time for vacations, camping, beach, riding or back yard cook outs. How did I let this precious few months slip by me?

My name was drawn a year or so ago on a blog give away, and I won these cute lucite petals and leaves. I have had them sitting in my supplies and couldn't figure out what to do with them. Todays rebel against the end of summer brought on this design.

How do you fight the end of summer, or do you let it go with a gentle wave and cheer on fall?