
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Creative Cleansing - Sewing!

I needed to clear my mind today, and decided to busy myself with another project.

I needed to make Comet a new coat :)

He is the boss of the house, and quite spoiled.

See how happy he is with himself?

There is a little 'challenge' for lack of better words in our area, called The 12 Acts of Kindness.

Starting on Dec 1st, it is a challenge to do an act of kindness toward your local rescue group or shelter. Making this coat got me thinking, how fun would it be, to go to pick up your newest addition to your family and show up and have them in a new coat :) So I am going to make several and drop them off around the area.

What is your 'creative cleansing' that gets you rejuvenated to move on to your next project?

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