
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ideas on Promoting your Art from Alyson B. Stanfield

I follow ArtBizBlog and love it. Alyson has such good advice, and what I love about it, she gets to the point, and allows you to run with it.

Her most recent is 50 things you can do better to promote your art. The list of the 50 things can be found here for you to view and use, "no strings attached" she says. Brilliant!

I am going to start with #1 and work my way thru her advice to #50 and I am excited about it.

She is also doing something very near and dear to my heart. She is giving back. She has set a goal to raise $5000 for charity to dig a well for a village.  It is a big goal, but it is also a big deal. Clean water is a very important building block for health. If a person is healthy they can do so much.

Now you say, but I don't have $5 much less $50 to donate to this charity. Don't loose site of the goal, it is not always money that a charity needs, awareness is also very important. So if you can't give money, give some time to tell someone else about it.

Making a difference is easy :)

"I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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