
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Let's Shop Local in Raleigh, Feb 1!!!!!

I am really excited to be involved in the first Let's Shop Local event in Raleigh!!! Hang around on the front page of their website for a preview of the items that you will find when you come out to the show. Then you can click on the vendor list to see everyone! It is going to be so much fun!

I have really been gearing up and making new pieces and re working my booth for the show.I haven't done any shows for a while, and am really looking forward to getting back into it. I love the excitement of preparing for the show and actually the work of the show, meeting people, making connections - so much fun! I am excited to have a Square, and that I am taking credit cards again. That is a big help for sales.

So many new pieces, and a few old ones too will be at the show with me.

Over 50 vendors will be at this show, so much to look at. I am hoping a few will want to barter :)

Come out and see me, and all the other wonderful local artisans and business owners, Sat Feb 1, 2014!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Finally Found My Calling With Clusters

Several months ago, while captain of the biggest pity ship you have ever seen, like a pity yacht,  I was over taking pictures of my jewelry. I was struggling with different ideas of how to photograph my pieces. This has been an ongoing battle. It really is not anything new. I have friends who are photographers, do I pay them for a couple weekends a month, do I take classes, do I invest in a better camera, or do I take decorating classes (to learn props and magic for shots)

This took me on a search thru the vastness of the interwebs looking at different jewelry sites, and seeing how they laid out their shots, what props did they use, how bright were their shots and anything else I could learn. As I ambled thru, what I began to notice about these shops was they all seemed, themed. Themed as in the jewelry was all very similar. A similar technique, or similar style. There was continuity about the presentation, and it was very appealing to me. It made me want to shop. It wasn't the photography so much as the content.

I flipped back to my store, and I see the eclectic hodge podge of my work. I have to make everything, every style, play with every technique and put it up for sale. My husbands words came back to haunt me in that instance -"Pick one thing and do it well".

I searched between my Etsy store and my Facebook page, and there it was, like a life preserver thrown to me on that sinking ship of pity. I do clusters. I do them well.

All of that mess up top, was to lead into this. I'm back at the workbench for a new year of designs, a new year of shows and a new year of self discovery. I took what I learned from my photography search and put it to good use as I sit working on new pieces for this year.

I did it and I think with much success. I sat back to work, and ideas started to roll! I think I am on my path :)

Friday, January 3, 2014

Back to the Workbench

Getting back to the bench is always tough for me after a hiatus. I was ready for the holidays early (this is a first) and had all my pieces out in stores, and my online Etsy store stocked well. That gave me time to concentrate, on the house, the guests coming to visit, the cooking, working and last minute everything that I had put off to make jewelry :)

This year, I have decided to get back into shows and festivals, and my first one is Feb 1, 2014!!! Right around the corner! I am really excited. I have ordered my Square, a new banner and  new displays. I am one step closer. I need to buckle down, get a booth idea sketched out and get new items rolling out. Now sitting back at my workbench, ideas are there, I am just slow to produce them. My mind seems to be elsewhere.

To combat this, I put on music and randomly string. I do not commit the design, I just string, unstring, string, unstrings. Next thing you know, I have some ideas that actually are working for me, and I am excited to start on a new creations.

Here is a bit of a preview of what I am working on! 

I hope this new year takes you on many magical adventures!