
Monday, January 19, 2015

Pantones Spring 2015 Colors - Love them!

The Pantone Colors for 2015 are very exciting to me. So cool and light. Very inviting. The official color names are:
14-4313 Aquamarine
16-4725 Scuba Blue
14-5714 Lucite® Green
19-4052 Classic Blue
14-1213 Toasted Almond
16-1720 Strawberry Ice
15-1247 Tangerine
13-0720 Custard
18-1438 Marsala
14-4102 Glacier Gray

What I see is Lapis, Rhodonite, Carnelian, Turquoise, Jade and some fun Jaspers. From these stones come a very common theme - love, self love, self confidence - I can't wait to play around with my stones and make some fun jewelry for this Spring.

It's gonna be a great year!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fun New Dangle Necklaces!!!

I am all about the dangle, the charm look. I keep going back to this type of design.

When I first started making jewelry it was just a natural progression to hand wrap beads and hang them on chain. Just the next step in learning jewelry design, so to speak.

I re visited that old design and have come up with these :)

I call these "Anything Goes"

This is a fun idea to use up the one offs that you have laying around from other designs. It makes a great collection of color, textures and sizes.  Even as you re purpose your older jewelry, set a couple beads behind, and you can make a memory necklace for yourself!!!!!

Right now these are only available locally at The Green Monkey, but I promise you will be seeing them soon in my Etsy store!!!

Monday, January 12, 2015

When Good Ideas Go Wrong

GRRRRR!!!!! I could just spit I am so mad!!!

Working on a new pair of earrings, well I was - and then this happened. The seed bead broke.

It literally was all I could do to not wad it up in a ball and throw it in the trash.

What do you do when this happens?