
Monday, November 26, 2018

How to use a pendulum - How to make a pendulum - How to - DIY - Tutorial

Thanks for stopping by and remember:

Be peaceful, be kind, it's important!

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Flood the Streets with Art VI - It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Flood the streets with Art and Bonnaroo are the two things I look forward to every year.

Like wish my life away kinda look forward to.

Here is a short blurb from Scott Wong the creator of FTSWA

The goal is simple: On BLACK FRIDAY  I want every artist, human being, man, woman & child on our planet to drop one piece art they've created on the streets of their community for a random stranger to find, pick up, take home & love. Yes, for FREE. 

OMG!! I am gonna drop art all over the place.

When I first started, I was dropping only jewelry, because that was my art. Over time, I have added paintings, crocheted hats and scarves and tie dye to my drops.

I love prepping my work, tagging it with a big ole - "I'M FREE" tag and then driving around in the wee hours of the morning on Black Friday and hiding little treasures around the area.

This year I dropped 5 paintings, 3 pairs of earrings and 2 necklaces, it was so cold!!!

I was very excited Friday morning, and when I was done, and home drinking coffee, a little disappointed it was over. Kinda like Christmas morning.

Now I sit back and wait, until June when it is time to go to Bonnaroo, and I do my art abandonment there.

It's the small things :)

Until then, thanks for stopping by and remember:

Be peaceful, be kind, it's important!

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Acrylic Earrings? Yes Please!

I love acrylic pouring, I can't get enough of it!

With acrylic pouring comes waste. There is a lot of paint that runs off the edge  of the canvas and pools on the table. 

If you have followed me at all, you know I have issues with waste, and I keep everything, because I can make something from anything!

While cleaning, I noticed all of these awesome spills, that had dried on the table, and the table covering, they looked like miniature acrylic pours (because they were). I peeled one off the table, and looked at it, I know I can make something from this. It was suggested I make earrings. Challenge accepted!

These are some of the peelings. I love their design and texture! 

A little playing around with different ideas, and these earrings were born!!

So much fun and so many more new ideas to come!

And remember

Be Peaceful and be kind - it's important!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What Is This Funnel and Am I Stuck in It?

I keep hearing it, over and over from online marketing gurus "funnel" "funnel".

Good God, another new term I need to learn. A new online, social networking vernacular that is ever changing requiring a person to live online.

I just want to create!

I dug into this 'funnel', I had to know what it was, what this buzz word was all about.

Well it appears that I am exactly who they are talking to when the are talking about this 'funnel'.

The way I understand it, the 'funnel' is all of the online tools you use to get people to one place. That one place that makes you money. That one place that has your product/service whatever, available for these people to buy/join, so you can make money, and keep doing what you do.

I have so many funnels, trying to get people to my Etsy store. That is the ultimate goal, right. Get people to my Etsy store, so they can buy things, so I can continue to create. But how much time do I actually have to create if I am posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pintrest, YouTube, Newsletters AND Blogging. I have to come up with content for each of these platforms AND check in on them several times a day, so I can interact with anyone who has liked or commented, so I can be respectful and polite and grateful. Not to mention, it takes me several hours to post my art to my Etsy store because photography and photo editing are not my thing.

Breath Tish........

"Work smart" I hear

"Once your back gives out, you'll learn to work with your brain" my dad tells me

I just want to create, damnit why is it so hard?

I read about each of these different 'funnels' and either I am just drawn to the same articles over and over or maybe somethings have remained constant on the internet - blogging and newsletters.

I used to blog daily, and I loved it. Talking about everything jewelry, fashion, the components of the jewelry I made and maybe just a sprinkle of what what happening in my life, ya know, that personal touch. Then I fell out of it as more and more platforms became available. That, "Let's just take a picture and put a caption" that is easier! So I did, and I am caught in that instant gratification world, that scrolling lifestyle, that I need as much input as I can get in 1 minute.  That 'instant' has made it more difficult for me to blog. Now when I sit down to blog I hear a lot more of me slurping coffee than the tap tap tap of keys.

I keep saying I just want to create, and I just realized that blogging is creating. It does satisfy that need to create. I just scrolled up through this entry and realized I am creating, I am communicating and it feels good.

Now it is time to re think my path, re think this 'funnel' thing and focus on the creating. Focus on where I want my energy to go.

Create it and they will come

Thanks for stopping by, and remember - be peaceful, be kind it is important!!!

Friday, August 31, 2018

Pantone Fall 2018 Color Report

Going into Sept every year I always take a peek at the Pantone choices for fall colors.  I know the colors are announced a season ahead, which makes sense because of the timeline needed for creation and production, but I think it is fun to wait and look. 

I love this year!

Red pear, valiant poppy, nebulas blue, ceylon yellow, martini olive (yum!)
Russet orange, ultra violet, crocus petal, limelight, quetzal green

What is fun, without even looking at the fall colors until I wrote this post, I almost feel I am in tuned to what is going on this year, based on the color choices of my new tie dye shirt I made yesterday!!

I dont' think i was that far off do you??

More tie dye to come!

Thanks for stopping by, and remember - be peaceful, be kind it is important!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Flip Cup - Dirty Pour Acrylic Pour Painting - DIY - Tutorial

I have been having so much fun doing these acrylic pours!!!

Thanks for stopping by, and remember - be peaceful, be kind it is important!!!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Tie Dye Powder Haul!

I am so excited!!
I am browsing Instagram the other day and I see a post from a local artist that is destashing. She is getting rid of a lot of her tie dye powders and a few other things. 
I sent her a message because I am extremely interested. 

I went to her house and she loaded up these three bags with powder tubs. 83 of them. Several of them were still sealed, and most of them had only one application used. The majority of them are the Dharma Trading Co. brand, which I am really familiar with. 

I am just giddy about this haul!!

I now have to go through them all, catalog them, and I am making a 'swatch' page with the names of each of the colors, and a little sample of what the color looks like on heavy water color paper. I can hang that on the wall, and at a glance have an idea of what the colors look like. It will help when putting together color combinations for new scarves and shirts. 

What a blessing this was, and I am just so grateful for it. 

I'll post some pics of the new scarves next week!!!

Thanks for stopping by, and remember - be peaceful, be kind it is important!!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sugilite Pendant - Dendritic Pendant

I finally got around to wrapping that dendritic agate that I talked about in my last blog post!!
I am happy to say, it is in the mail to its new home.

Congratz little pendent!! 

This little pendant is made from sugilite. (SOO-gee-lite) Most people associate sugilite with purple, but in lower quality stone (quality meaning gem quality) it ranges in color from purple to black. I have a little box of tumbled odds and ends, some big enough for a pendant, and most will be wrapped into earrings.

This little one is now at it's home, bringing support and encouragement to it's new partner :)

Sugilite is a love stone and spiritual growth. It shows you how to live authentically, appreciate everything about your life, and who you really are. This is a great stone to keep with you on your journey to live your truths, follow your passions, and be bold and courageous!!

It will inspire you to discover your purpose in this world and make you appreciate everything about your life. Is the glass have empty? Need to change your perception and find more positivity in your world? This is the little stone to help with that. 

I am just now learning about the properties of this stone, and I am loving everything I am finding out.  I think I am gonna have to make myself a pair of earrings :)

Until then, thanks for stopping by and remember:

Be peaceful, be kind, it's important!

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Dendritic Agate - What Are the Properties of this Stone!

Let's talk about dendritic agate!

Dendritic agate is a stone in the chalcedony family, "agate" , with manganese inclusions, called dendrites - thus the name :)

The color of the agate can be from clear to white with the manganese inclusions, you may even see a white agate with green inclusions, called Tree Agate. 

Dendritic agate is the stone of plenty and abundance. It has been known to be buried in soil of garden beds and farm lands to promote healthy and large yields from crops. 

This stone resembles the branches of a tree or plant and in turn is known for healing the skeletal, nervous and vascular system, which also 'branch' out in us. 

It is a great stone of protection and inner peace.  It promotes a peaceful environment. Great fo those with a green thumb. 

I love looking at the patterns of this agate. This stone and I have had several long moments together. Each time I pick it up to work with it, I find myself getting lost in its patterns and beauty, that I never get anything done! Because of the patterns and how I get lost in it, it is also a great stone for digging deep inwardly.  Use with meditation or self exploration and discovery and in turn healing of the past. 

I will wrap this into a pendant, I really will :)

Until then, I will continue to marvel at nature and her creations with wonderment and amazement. 

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

I Love Labradorite. The Stone of Magic and Transformation

My love affair with labradorite is recent, 10 years or so. I love labradorite, who am I kidding I love them all, equally, with a few favorites :)

I have always had a collection of stones, it started with picking up rocks as a kid. I had a huge Readers Digest World Atlas and in the back was a chart of minerals from around the world. I would pull rocks from my pocket and compare them to the pictures on the chart and wonder which mineral I had.  That book has long since fallen apart, but I still have those 2 pages :)

When I found out that I could actually buy those minerals/stones/crystals and not have to travel to Brazil or Madagascar, my collection began. These stones spoke to me, drew me in. There would be days when I would have to have a particular one in my pocket, and I didn't know why.  Then I found out that the stones have properties, meanings and it all became so clear to me why I was so drawn to stones.

When I started making jewelry, my intent was to use crystals and stone and work with the metaphysical properties of the stones. I didn't just want fashion, I wanted soul support.

My friend Mushi was obsessed with labradorite like I was moonstone. I would be buying moonstone beads, and she was buying labradorite beads. The flash, that fire that came from the stone when the light hit it was amazing. Even the low quality labs had a fire that the moonstone didn't. I do love the fire of a feldspar!

Now that you have my backstory, let's talk about labradorite - the magic stone.

Labradorite brings your magic to the surface, opening up intuition, communication with spirits and more. It brings strength during times of change or conflict. It is a congenial stone, encouraging courtesy. Reduces depression and negativity. It brings hope to the hopeless. It is a strong protection.

Called the temple of stars - it is a connection to energy from other worlds.

It is a great creative stone and helps with writers block.

To me, this is one of those must have stones for any collection. I never go anywhere without one!

Thanks for stopping by, be blessed and always remember, be peaceful, be kind and find time to create!

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

New Treasures from Bonnaroo - New Stones for My Collection!

Our one vacation every year is Bonnaroo. If you have never heard of it, it is a 4 night music festival in Manchester, TN. I take that back, it is more than a music festival, it is heaven. Yes there is music, all types of music, but there is also experiences, classes, community and more. It is my mecca.

Each year when we go, we also buy a momento of sorts, typically a t shirt or hat, and every year I get a new stone.  I have gotten labradorite, ammolite, garnet, prehnite and this year I bought 7..... I couldn't help myself. 

I typically shop at one tent in particular Twisted Bliss, and I did shop them, but I also found Wormtown Trading

I went for an early morning stroll, it was hot, I was on a mission for coffee. Very few of the vendors were open, and I stumbled into Wormtown. So many things, and so many of those things were crystals. Immediately the tourmaline caught my eye. I thought this will be the new pendant for the 2018 Bonnaroo experience. I continued to browse, and I found a box of very dark, tumbled cylinders. It looked like Pakistan Jade, but I thought it was too dark, and I had never seen it in long thin 'spears'. I asked what it was to make sure, and  - surprise - it is Pakistan Jade!

I continued to wander thru the tent, so many awesome stones, and most of them I had, but you never know when one will just pop out at you.  

Then I found the bumble bee jasper..OMG! I love this so much. I have several cabs of this, that I have wrapped into pendants. I did some reading on this jasper, and found that it is volcanic made, and because of this, it is also toxic. The sulfur content in the stone is too high, and it will get into your skin. It is highly recommended that if this stone is made into jewelry, that is has a metal backing on it. They had so much of it displayed and I had to touch each piece. I asked one of the women working there if she had heard of the toxicity of the stone, and she had. We chatted about it for a bit, while I was still looking. 

THEN I found a chevron amethyst point. I have chevron amethyst beads, but I had never seen it in it's natural state. FELL IN LOVE!

I was just about to check out when I spotted a box of carnelian. This beautiful stone, with all it's patterns and deep orange color had to come home with me because I am giving it to my daughter.

I had to stop.

Later that day I made it over to Twisted Bliss. I love that vendor so much. Not only do they have beautiful, and not so run of the mill loose stones, but the wire wrapping they do is incredible!!!

There I found the citrine. 

That beautiful point with a window!!!!!

I got a smaller piece as well, to wrap for this years stone (i know I have the tourmaline for that) but you can't have too many pendants!!

The stones in the picture are as follows:
1 o'clock - carnelian
4 o'clock chevron amethyst
5 o'clock Pakistan jade
6 o'clock citrine point
7 o'clock citrine point
9 o'clock tourmaline
center - bumblebee jasper.

I'll break down each stones properties in the following blogs. 

This is my collection for this year, and I can't wait to get busy at the bench and make some jewelry!!!!

Thanks for stopping by, be blessed and always remember, be peaceful, be kind and find time to create!

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Red Dyed Howlite Flower Earrings with Moonstone Accents

I got a strand of these cute little 15mm dyed howlite flower shaped beads from Fire Mountain Gems. The strand I got was multi colored with orange, white, yellow, green, hot pink and blue. 

(The multi color strand is no longer available, but they do have a light blue strand that is only $1.00!!)

These beads are light weight, and make the cutest earrings!

Howlite is the stone that helps to aid in self awareness and and improving ones emotional well being. It just seem perfect to  add a  faceted moonstone heishi cut beads to accent the design and for the metaphysical properties of encouraging hopes and dreams. 

I just love how they turned out!

Can't wait to show you my next creation!

Thanks for stopping by, be blessed and always remember to find time to create!

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Art Abandonment and Bonnaroo

Two things I look forward to every year



These two things make me giddy with excitement! I love making art and abandoning it all over the Raleigh area on Black Friday, and I absolutely LIVE for going to Bonnaroo.

The last few years at Bonnaroo, I have combined my two loves, and I abandon art around the festival.

Each year Bonnaroo changes it colors, and I create pendants that are made of the same colors and drop them around for people to find.

These pendants were from 2016

Last year, 2017 I did pendants, and crocheted bracelets. 

This year, 2018,  hot pink and lime green, being dominant colors, I found these fun little skull beads at Michaels, and the fun began!

Bonnaroo is getting so close and I can't stand it! I may even drop some tie dyed shirts this year too!!!

Thanks for stopping by, be blessed, and always find time to create!

Maybe I will see you on the farm!

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!

The Diversity of a Spiral - Tie Dye How To!

Who knew that the classic spiral tie dye was so diverse!

Who knew that the placement of the dye on the spiral created all of the awesome spiral effects that you see on tie dyed shirts!

AND even if you do all the dying the same way, how each spiral can vary!

This shirt was done with a three color stripe on one side and a solid color on the other side, and see the differences of this shirts!

This one is done, with one color on one side, and one color on the other. Very dramatic and bold look!


I have done a tutorial on two different dye placements on a spiraled shirt here on my YouTube channel . Tie Dye Tutorial .

I have more tutorials coming!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed day, and always create!

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Porcelain, Ceramic and Faceted Jasper Earrings

I love rondells! To me, they make the best earrings because of the way they stack.

I found a strand of 12mm dyed porcelain beads at Michaels, of mixed colors, so bright and cheery, a rainbow on a string!! I fell in love with them. I wish I would have bought every strand they had!

I have used these beads in so many different earrings because they are light weight, bright, and being rondells, they allow you to stack, stack, STACK!!!!!

The green rondells are the focal of this design, and is perfectly complimented with the pink and brown speckled ceramic and copper. It just fits!

I added a small 4mm faceted jasper to the bottom of the earring for a 'base'. Jasper is the stone of gentleness and nurturing. 

I love creating jewelry with a purpose, that is why I work with the metaphysical properties of the stones. I want jewelry to be more than an accessory, I want it to accent your soul, lift your mood, create confidence and support you and where you are emotionally and spiritually today! 

I found a listing on Michaels site for an 8mm dyed howlite bead, that is VERY similar to these - you can find it here!

Thanks for stopping by! Have a blessed day, and always create!

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!