
Friday, November 29, 2019

Flood the Streets with Art Part 7!!!!

This is my 6th year participating in Flood the Streets with Art, and I look forward to it every year!!

What is Flood the Street with Art?

This is what Scott Wong - Founder - says :)

The goal is simple: On BLACK FRIDAY (Nov. 29th, 2019) I want every artist, human being, man, woman & child on our planet to drop one piece art they've created on the streets of their community for a random stranger to find, pick up, take home & love. Yes, for FREE.

Allow me to explain...
Here in the United States of America, we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day this year on Thursday, Nov. 28th, 2019. We will spend the day with family, friends & loved ones giving thanks for everything in our lives we have to be thankful for. It's really loving and special and meaningful. ♥
But then...
On the following day a.k.a. BLACK FRIDAY (the day after we've given thanks for everything we have in life), we rush out in an uncivilized manner trampling complete strangers to death while pushing, shoving & acting like a complete lunatic so we can buy a big screen TV for twenty bucks. I'm speaking tongue-in-cheek, of course, but truth be told, it's not that far removed from what actually happens. I wish I were joking. :(
That being said, I want all of us to come together as artists & human beings to do a random act of kindness on the one day of the year that I believe matters most. It's one day. One piece of art. The random acts of kindness should be plentiful & the excuses as to why you can't do this should be minimal. That means, I need EVERYONE to participate. Yes, everyone. Every human being should be doing this.
This is now my 7th year doing this event. I hold this event very near & dear to my part. If I didn't believe in such a powerful random act of kindness, I wouldn't do it. I guess-timated last year that upwards of 7,000 artists participated. Many artists dropped well more than one piece of art and hence, upwards of 18,000 - 20,000 pieces of art were dropped. I fully expect 2018 to be just as big. This is where all of you come in. :) I don't care if you paint, photograph, knit, sew, bead, weld, sculpt, woodwork, crochet or write music. I don't even care if you don't call yourself an "artist". I don't care if you're 7 years old or 77 years old. The fact remains is we're all human beings and the world can always use another act of kindness wherever your neighborhood may be. ♥
If you want to be a part of something amazing. Something positive. Something that matters. Something that will truly make a difference in someone else's life... now is your chance. Stop debating petty stuff on the Internet, Facebook and social media and do something that matters!
Join the event! LIKE it & SHARE it 'til you can't possibly share it anymore. And when you think you've shared it enough, then share the event again. Tell your friends! Tell your Mom! Tell your friend's Mom! :)
Questions, concerns, comments or remarks can be directed to me either via Facebook or via my direct e-mail address below.
Peace, Love & Spray Paint!
- Scott Wong a.k.a. "PSYS"E-MAIL: scottwong@zoho.comGROUP:

This year I dropped 3 paintings and 3 tie dyed items

I am already planning for next year!!!!

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!

Although I do live a lifestyle that is richly enhanced with healing crystals, crystal energy, and universal energies, some do not, and that being said, I must say - Crystal meanings, metaphysical and spiritual healing lore is lore for inspiration, folklore, reference, and entertainment only. Crystal and spiritual healing lore is not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. See a doctor or other healthcare practitioner for all health issues. By using this site and associated materials, and accessing this metaphysical and healing lore information, you acknowledge and agree that you personally assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this lore.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Why I Burn Sage/Smudge

Why not burn sage?

Burning sage is something I have done for years. I burn it when I am happy, sad, frustrated, fearful, anxious because of what it does for me. 

Not only is the sage a way to remove negative energy, but my little ritual is a way to remind me, that it is all temporary. Be in the now. Burn it when I am happy, to be grateful in the moment, burn it when I am sad to remove the negative energy in my life, and to move passed it. Burn it when I am frustrated to remind me that I am not in control, and if I can't change it, I can change my outlook. Burn it when I am fearful or anxious to remind myself, fear and anxiety are a lie. 

Burning sage is said to remove negativity, brings healing, wisdom and clarity. 

Ancient cultures smudged as antimicrobial, meaning it keeps virus's and bacterial at bay, it is also known to repel insects. 

Some use sage to cleanse objects. This may be something as spiritual as tarot cards or crystals, or something as mundane as a new lamp you just bought at a local thrift store. The meaning of the sage and the burning of the sage is to remove negative energy. So why not smudge your new second hand purchases!

I have my sage in a glass bowl that was my grandmothers. I have added different stones and crystals to the bowl to enhance the significance of the smudging - stones and crystals that also are said to promote happiness, protection, grounding and removal of negative energy. 

I may just light the sage, and allow it to smolder until puts itself out, or I may fan it to keep it going and walk thru my house, smudging each room, especially windows and doors. 

When I smudge, I also have an intent. The intent of the sage burning is to remove negative energy from me and from my surroundings. I may just have a quick thought, or I may say a prayer while lighting the sage wand, as a ritual to remind me why I burn sage, and why I am grateful for the moment I am in. 

Do you burn sage? Do you have a favorite sage or ritual that you do?

All of my jewelry creations are based on the metaphysical properties of the stones or the colors that are incorporated. Jewelry should be a window to our soul, a protector of our emotions and a companion to our spirit. All of my other creations come directly from my heart in hopes they touch yours as well. Celebrate yourself with healing jewelry, and other gift ideas made with love!

Although I do live a lifestyle that is richly enhanced with healing crystals, crystal energy, and universal energies, some do not, and that being said, I must say - Crystal meanings, metaphysical and spiritual healing lore is lore for inspiration, folklore, reference, and entertainment only. Crystal and spiritual healing lore is not a prescription, diagnosis or healthcare information. See a doctor or other healthcare practitioner for all health issues. By using this site and associated materials, and accessing this metaphysical and healing lore information, you acknowledge and agree that you personally assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this lore.